Ball Noir
Ball Noir is a new project by a group of young, talented musicians who wants to combine folkballmusic and above all the folkball phenomenon (with traditional dancing) with heavier music like rock, metal and doom.
According to us the music played at a ballfolk is very suitable to make a lot heavier. Think of how many folkies originate from (or are at least are acquainted with) the rock/metal scene? And besides that, on some dirty drones and progressive rock you can dance ballfolkdances perfectly well.
At the moment we are still busy writing our own songs and building up a repertoire. In december 2007 we came together and recorded a mini-cd, entittled 'A Passionate Dancewish'. On it are three songs, an Andro, a Mazurka and a Scottish. This cd is made for promotional use and we think it will not be for sale, but you can listen to it on this myspace for free anyway... So, enjoy!