Hi humans!I'm Blueman.Well that's not my real name.It's Aliekha Tierandha Putri.Okay I spell it cos I kno it's hard to read those words,Al-lee-ka Tee-ran-dha Poo-tree.Don't laugh at me aight?I love impersonating people especially celebs.I like copying accent,habits,bla bla bla.I know how to talk like Paris,speak like Harry Potter,dancing like Snoop doggy dog and Amy Winehouse,etc.But I still able to sing with my own voice.
There's a ton of things dat I love.u name it,music,dancing oh God I love dace!,TV,krispies treats,jokes,earth,lasagna just like Garfield,humin,juices,whatever.
And there's a lot of things too dat I would looove...like having buddies from different race,living in Hawwai,travelling without moving lol,going to Sherlock Holmes museum in UK,meeting Aborigin people then Eskimo people then Indian people,invite to the Grammys and another music awards,take a role in CSI as a murderer or witness,and talk with strangers on my
[email protected]
gossip girl,lol