Creep Theater profile picture

Creep Theater

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey kids! What is CREEP THEATER? It's a show that harkens back to the day when TV actually WANTED to entertain people ('member that?) it's all about how much money the CEO's can pad their personal bank accounts with per year (gotta pay fer them hookers somehow)! But we host lotsa old horror/sci-fi films, mostly from the silents through the 50's - along the lines of the classic horror-hosts of the 50's and 60's! We have a damn good crew (John, Ron, Phil, Harvey, Mike & James) that makes it lotsa fun - well, at least for us - hopefully, the fun we have shines thru and makes it enjoyable for youse guys! We're on every Friday night from Midnight-2am on Comcast, unless someone at the TV studio screws up...BUT THAT NEVER HAPPENS, DOES IT??? You'll see those great Poverty Row cheapies that Bela Lugosi made, Ed Wood flix and many other triple-z movies.'s almost like a bigtime TV show, ain't it? Thanx for all yer support over the last five years and keep watchin'!
Oh yeah.....don't ferget to check out THE RON AND JOHN SHOW every Wednesday night from 6:30p-7:30pm on Comcast!
This Weeks Show

Video streaming by Ustream

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's listed on our site - they MUST be cool!

While yer at it, take a peek at our Officially Unofficial Website! It sucks compared to this one, but hey.....

Hey, if you have a strong stomach, check out Dick Ed's mad skills...

My Blog

'DOG' horror film shot in Jackson...

Hey ya Bastaads!I just vanted to let you know that Johnny Nightmare's alter ego (John Robinson), has a featured photo, in a new Jackson Citizen Patriot article!!!  The article is about the upcoming ho...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 11:12:00 GMT

Creep Theater article...

Hey Gang!We just wanted to let all of our devoted fans out there know, that 'Creep Theater' will be featured in an article, in this Sunday's edition (Oct. 26) of the Jackson Citizen Patriot!  So,...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 19:36:00 GMT

Creep crap for sale!

HEY!!! Check out all our cool, cheap, Creep crap at: Whatcha waitin' for??? IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS TIME!!! Give or take a few months... Johnny
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 17:45:00 GMT


Hey guys! Check out our photo albums! We're always adding to 'em and we GUARANTEE you'll find something you'll get a kick out of! Fun stuff!
Posted by on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:16:00 GMT


IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! Real cool stuff with our ugly mugs on 'em for you to throw your money away on! Check out the banner on our profile page...or, if yer just too anxious, click here: http://www.cafep...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 18:16:00 GMT


We have a NEW category in our pic albums...WORST RECORD ALBUMS OF ALL TIME! Wait'll you see some of these! Feel free to leave comments when ya see 'em!
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:02:00 GMT

March 14 Demon Barber Show

Friday (March 14) we showed (or is that shew?) the original 1936 version of THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET with British actor-type guy Tod Slaughter. Hope ya caught it.....Slaughter has one of ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 06:14:00 GMT

"The Vampire Vignettes Revamped" review!

This is no ordinary book of the undead&nor is it your same old, tired vampire tales. "V3: The Vampire Vignettes revamped" contains tales that stand alone and, at the same time, entertwine with each ot...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 15:23:00 GMT

Funky Fotos

Hey!  Check out our picture albums when ya get a few particular, our Funky Fun with Fotos...full of great old monster photos captioned with cheap gags at their expense.
Posted by on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 12:56:00 GMT

Cheap & crappy CREEP THEATER promotional items

If any of youse guys and dolls are interested in some CREEP THEATER t-shirts, coffee mugs or any other type of cheap promotional crap, let us know! We'll be happy to set ya up with somethin'! You can ...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 19:33:00 GMT