G'day everyone! Thanks for looking at my page! About me: Well i guess you could say i am a shy person, i really was until i met my fiance, ♥ Kirsten, ♥ and God gave me someone to be crazy with! I am SOOO thankful that i have a beautiful, godly woman to love for the rest of my life!
I'm only 18, but i have been seriously involved with music since i was 4 yrs old. I love to sing, play, record and perform, but above all, i love to use it so God will be glorified!
Ya know, life is huge, and often we don't think about how fragile it is!
I was a "church kid" since i was 10, and through my early-to-mid teen years i went to church, youth group and all the rest, but i NEVER understood what life was about. Nobody ever explained the ENTIRE Gospel to me. It was always a weak, namby-pamby: "Jesus loves you. If you just ask Him into your heart and pray, you will go to Heaven." That is the BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD!!! Please, i urge you, take the time right now, and read this:
Would you consider yourself to be a 'good' person? Have you kept the 10 Commandments? Here are some of them, and answer honestly. Have you ever told a lie? Stolen anything? (even downloaded music illegally?) Have you ever taken the name of God in vain? Or looked at someone with sexual desire (which Jesus said was adultery of the heart. Matt 5:28) If God judged you by His holy standard, would you be innocent or guilty? GUILTY! I'll be the first one to say "I'm guilty!" All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We deserve to be punished! You might say that this is scary!
(It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31) God is loving and wants us to be saved from Hell, but because God is also just and righteous, He cannot allow our sin to go unpunished. Unless...........
Sin HAS to be punished, so God, in His great mercy and love, sent His son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty of our sin by dying on the cross! He poured out all the wrath that i deserve, on Jesus! What must you do to be saved? You must REPENT (turn, forsake, flee from your sinful ways) and TRUST IN JESUS ALONE TO SAVE YOU!!!! He is a very good God, and He wants to save you, but you must HUMBLE yourself and cling to what Jesus did on the cross!
Thank you VERY much for reading this! If you have any questions, ask me! Please don't let another minute go by...... you may not have...another minute.