What you see is what u get, I'm me 24/7
Not your average girl
I hate going to sleep as much as i hate waking up
I love when my room is clean, i hate cleaning it
I don't like when people see me cry
Cussing is my favorite bad habit
Sometimes my foul mouth is too much for people, i care? fuck no!
Stereotypical people are mentally ill
I make random comments
I absolutely LOVE to laugh, and i do it frequently.
I've got way too many inside jokes
I'm generally a happy person, its hard to catch me in a bad mood.
I'm blunt, I say exactly what I feel, whenever I want
Im not weird, im unique
I have a pug, her name is Buddha, i adore her
I dont like to hold grudges
Sometimes I like to scream for no reason
Honesty is the key to my heart. i love real people, people who can be themselves and don't have to put on a front just to be recognized
I dont settle for less than i deserve
Im addicted to caffeine/coffee
I can have an attitude
I'll listen to your problems but i hate telling you mine
I dont see myself as being confusing, but others think differently
Its hard to tell when im being serious
I smoke cigarettes, im not quitting right now, get over it
I'm very independent, but i hate being alone all the time
I sing loud in my car when im by myself
I am NOT asian, so stop asking or thinking that i am
I have 5 piercings: Eyebrow,Tongue, Nose, Lip (both sides).
6 Tattoos at the moment, eventually want to finish off a half sleeve.
If you wanna talk to me my SN on A...is: xbLkChuCktsx R.I.P Mike. Always and forever in my heart. I love u! ONE LOVE, OUR LOVE. 03/16/1983 - 02/24/2007
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