Caitlin F0rd: Angry White Boy....
You're always there to listen to me bitch about my insignificant problems. You have great advice. You have a corrupt and dark sense of humor that's hilarious to anyone else who can appreciate it. You're a great friend and you care so much about the people who mean something to you.You're a punkxzrawker and you're a sweet talker. But your a liar, because you don't seem very angry, you're not really white, and boys don't usually have pedophile beards.
Caitlin F0rd: <3
My name is Anthony. I'm a Long Island native, born and raised in White Suburbia. I indulge in music, particularly ska, and am in a ska band myself. I also enjoy martial arts. I'm pretty happy with who and where I am at this point in life. This is the part where I tell you that you should talk to me because I'm awesome and unique.