*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Ray
Date of Birth: 4/1/88
Birthplace: Waukegan,IL
Current Location: Waukegan, IL
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'10
Heritage: Scandinavian
Piercings: 1
Tattoos: 1 good one 1 mistake
Band/Singer: None Right Now
Song: Young Crazed Peeling
Movie: Sex and The City!
Disney Movie: Cinderella
TV show: House
Color: Forest Green
Food: Strawberries
Pizza topping: Peperoni
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Drink (alcoholic): Captin Morgan Rum
Soda: Diet Coke (mmmm Rum & Coke)
Store: Walmart
Clothing Brand: Anything I like
Shoe Brand: See above
Season: Spring
Month: April duh my B-day
Holiday/Festival: Holloween/Samhain
Flower: Lilac
Make-Up Item: ummm no...
Board game: Monopoly
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Suuny or Storming!
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sour
Love or money: Love & Money
Phone or in person: In Person
Looks or personality: A lil bit ok looks a lot of personality
Coffee or tea: Starbucks!
Hot or cold: Hot
Goal for this year: To be a better person
Most missed memory: My Grandma RIP
Best physical feature: Eyes
First thought waking up: 1 more hour!
Hypothetical personality disorder: MPD
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Tummy Tuck
Sesame street alter ego: Big Bird
Fairytale alter ego: Cinderella
Most stupid remark: I knew that
Worst crime: Theft
Greatest ambition: To be successful
Greatest fear: To be lonely
Darkest secret: umm if it soo dark why would I tell you?
Favorite subject: Cooking
Strangest received gift: a Rock ( that wasn't a diamond)
Worst habit: Smoking
Do You:
Smoke: Yea
Drink: Yea
Curse: Like a Sailor
Shower daily: Who doesn't? You nasty ppl
Like thunderstorms: LOVE EM
Dance in the rain: In the rain sky clad!
Sing: Yea, but badly
Play an instrument: lol
Get along with your parents: Yep most of the time, until I actually have to talk to them
Wish on stars: All the time still waiting...
Believe in fate: Yep
Believe in love at first sight: Sighs...yep
Can You:
Drive: Yea
Sew: Yea
Cook: Hell Yea
Speak another language: bits and pieces
Dance: No
Sing: Badly
Touch your nose with your tongue: No eew
Whistle: Yup
Curl your tongue: Yup
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Yup
Been Stoned/High: Yup all freshman year..
Eaten Sushi: Yup
Been in Love: Yup
Skipped school: Again, all freshman year
Made prank calls: Yup
Sent someone a love letter: Yup
Stolen something: Yup
Cried yourself to sleep: To many times
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Ego
Are you right or left handed? Left
What is your bedtime? Whenever I pass out
Name three things you can't live without: Love, Sex, Money
What is the color of your room? White
Do you have any siblings? 2
Do you have any pets? 1 RIP Tom & Jerry
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Maybe
What is you middle name? Alan
What are you nicknames? Boo Boo - thanks a lot liz
Are you for or against gay marriage? No
What are your thoughts ..ion? Complicated
Do you have a crush on anyone? Always from the first moment
Are you afraid of the dark? No I love the dark
How do you want to die? Quickly
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? How the hell should I know?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yea
What is the last law you’ve broken? Dunno too many prolly
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Don't matter
Eye color: Don't matter
Height Tall as me or taller
Weight Not fat
Most important physical feature: Lips
Biggest turn-off Ego & Fat ppl
My Blog
New Vid
Watch the new video on my site it s crazy but awesome! Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 13:49:00 GMT