As one of nearly 7 billion human beings on planet Earth, Keith Armstrong is trying to understand the workings of the world, and where exactly humanity fits in this jigsaw universe. Keith expresses his insights on life in the medium of words and music. If you like what you here on this page, let me know, and pass the word on to anyone who you think would like it. This music was written to be listened to. Enjoy.
My Interests
Member Since: 1/4/2008
Band Members: Keith Armstrong: Vocals, Guitar, Keyboard, Clarinet, Bass, Accordian, and anything else heard on these tracks.
Influences: Bodies of Water, Human Bodies, Sweat, Blood, Love, & Chaos.
Record Label: Unsigned
My Blog
New Songs/Recordings Up
I re-recorded a bunch of songs/ recorded some new ones. Check them out! Posted by on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 13:58:00 GMT