Goodbye - Family, Friends and F*ckwits |
Well, in my last "blog" (sounds pretentious ) on here I was talking about moving into the military, and making some changes in my life. Well, as it has panned out i'm making big changes but not actual... Posted by on Sat, 12 Sep 2009 08:57:00 GMT |
At the cross-roads |
I realise that very few (if any) will read this, so I guess that means I can say whatever I wish.Lately I've reached a cross-roads in my life, and am at a point where I need to make some decisions. I... Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 05:02:00 GMT |
A couple of reasons why I'm angry |
I'm angry all the time, and never in a state of peace. Even when I'm happy about something, my passion against the injusticies in the world manisfests as a violent anger.For instance, when I hear tha... Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 18:10:00 GMT |
A Poem - "Friend"ship |
Once again I find that I am tattered at the seams,Stripped of outside influence and left alone to scream.A person one regards and trusts is what defines a friend,But being left alone to rust is how I ... Posted by on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 15:56:00 GMT |
2008 - A year that was a year |
I for one am happy to see the end of 2008. Apart from my amazing trip to Europe, '08 was probably the toughest emotional and mental struggle I have endured. New friends: Johnny Q, Ally, Mick B, Gar... Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 16:53:00 GMT |
Gaol - Bleak musings in free verse. |
Gaol. Place of my birth, my youth, my growth and location of my abode. The time has come; the time to leave you. This cocoon which once fostered my development has now become a dark and lonely cell.... Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 07:58:00 GMT |
Evergreen is to never dream - A Poem |
What does it take to be an autumn leaf, releasing ones self from the confines of the tree?Can one detach their past existence, and break the connection with the root of their despair?Is this all just... Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 21:11:00 GMT |
Lust to kill - A Poem |
I let a pulsing urge to commit murder bounce around inside my skull.Round and round it goes, this cyclic and methodical propulsion; A lust to kill.I know my victim won't mind. In fact; they have been ... Posted by on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 22:45:00 GMT |
Soul Crushing lyrics pt: 1 |
I have been in a pretty dark place for a long time now and I think this song encapsulates a lot of what I feel *dreams of the next trip to Europe*Slipknot - Snuff
Bury all your secrets in m... Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:58:00 GMT |
Meshuggah/Alchemist - (2008)Carcass/Limb from Limb/Defamer - (2008)Bloodstock Open Air (United Kingdom) - (2008)
Party San Open Air (Germany) - (2008)
Wacken Open Air (Germany... Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:33:00 GMT |