My "Death to" List: (Myspace fuels this list)Fashion
Jeffree Star
Paris Hilton
Gangster Rap
Bling and fancy cars, obviously
Snoop Dogg
Evil scumfucks posing as Republicans
The idea of money and what it does to us.
Women selling punk clothes on MySpace. Isn't punk shit supposed to be DIY?
People that aren't Laura or Henry Rollins
People pimping shit using this shitty website
Dance Movies
Much Music
People that say they "love to party and chill" on their Myspace "About Me:" section
Now, let's smash all of these itty bitty things and then we'll all rest for a fortnight. Then we're off to shatter the state. But let's none of us get angsty or apathetic for fear not we've got the Automatic Man, Noam Chomsky and Henry Rollins and a whole slew of drugged out squat punks on our side. Now there's an epic, anti-authoritarian, nazi crushing, rights restoring, state busting team. Anyways, I digress. I hate. So much. People that I can look up to without getting that 'I Need To Vomit' Feeling"I guess in closing squat the world, make this motherfucker your own.
Oh and keep your country clean.Finally made it to Fredericton and I'm already loving it. UPDATES!:
I just moved into a motherfucking giant house with three good friends. I'm totally pending for acceptance to Saint Thomas University and I'm no longer sliging shitty telephone packages to bumfuck 'mericans anymore...I'm slinging "much more cost-effective, bundled DSL and Digital TV services" to bumfuck Manitobans. lesigh
Again, life is sweet.
I finally got the fuck into University, I'll be starting my studies at Saint Thomas University in january ba-bow!