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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace Countdown Clocks*Sometimes when we least expect it, we r given choices and decisions have 2 b made - At d end of d day; LIFE MUST GO ON!* ******* *Celebz walk on red carpets bcuz they are famous. I walk on toilet paper bcuz I AM D $HIT* ******* *Latina BORICUA & Proud!* Most people call me "Ms411" ******* I express the same sentiments as Isabel Allende, when asked the same question over and over, "Don't you feel too exposed and vulnerable after revealing all your intimacy?" In actuality, "IT IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH THAT MAKES US VULNERABLE, IT'S KEEPING SECRETS". ******* ******* Like Anthony Rodriguez says... I am "RICANstructing MYSELF for 08!" *******

Get Your Sexy Name

¡Que Pasa Boricua! Get more at > First things first: Soy 100% BORICUA = A PROUD Puerto Rican and REAL Jibara @ Heart - Representin' Guaynabo Puerto Rico - Pa'Que lo Sepan! Now to the "other side" of me... *LOL* I am an easy down-to-earth person... I'm a gal thats crazy, fun, intelligent, witty, eccentric, caring, giving, considerate and almost always the "fruit of anyone's loom"...(wink) I'd add a lot more, but then I'd be too full of myself, asi que mejor lo dejo asi... *LOL* No seriously, overall, I'm a simple person... On any given day, I can go for a simple burger and a stupid movie or a romantic candlelight dinner and a nice walk in the park ... Whatever floats the boat at that very moment - Cause I am just how I always say I am, "Ni Facil - Ni Dificil, Simplemente Sencilla"...

I am a Lamborghini Murcielago!

I am NOT subtle, and I don't want to be. I am fast, loud, and dramatic, I want people to notice me and then get the hell out of the way. In a world full of sheep, I am a raging bull.
Go ahead and take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

************************************************ "Faith is the substance of ALL things..." Hebrews 11:1 *A lot of times I feel I NEED MORE faith then I have* ************************************************ They may see the good I do as self serving, but I continue to do good... They may see my generosity as grandstanding, but I continue to be generous... They may see my warm and caring nature as a weakness, but I continue to be warm and caring... For you see, in the end, it is between ME and God. It never was between me and THEM anyway... Just do you and be YOU - For I will ALWAYS do me and be ME!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

REAL, Trustworthy, Caring, Considerate, Thoughtful, Independent, Hard working, Well Kept/Groomed individuals... Guileless people that are fun, have a decent sense of humor and enjoy the simple things in life... I'm tired of the wanna-be's and the players... My time is way too precious to be wasting it on negative people that lack ambition or are just plain loners or losers - PERIOD! Overall, I like people 2 just be nice and humble, whom I can have decent and intelligent conversation with... Like Jada Pinkett-Smith once said "Gotta be peeps u can take to a Rap Concert one day and a White House dinner the next", even though I always say, take ME to a Salsa Jam first!... And, well also peeps that are not so d@mn serious all the time, cause life is 2 short to miss out on a good laugh! C'mon, we gotta live a little... Now on a Celebrity tip, aside from wanting 2 meet ALL and I do mean ALL my BORICUA Stars (especially Benicio del Toro, Luis Guzman and Jimmy Smits), I'd luv to meet Jamie Foxx, Queen Latifah and Tyler Perry - U R ALL GREAT!

* * CHEPA --

Visually addictive and Sexually stunning

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at .. * <
¡Que Pasa Boricua! Get more at > *

* A MUST SEE Film for the BORICUA in YOU! COMING TO THEATRES SOON... * * * * * * Ladies, when you want to pamper yourself with some Wonderfully Glamorous Body Care... Please do yourself a favor and go visit: ENJOY! *
100% ME!
GEMINIS - Irresistible (21 Mayo - 21 Junio) Lindas. Su amor es único. Les gusta escuchar, muy buenas para ya sabes qué... Buenas amantes, no les gusta pelear pero pueden noquearte si lo quieren, confiable, felices, comunicativas, extrovertidas, SIEMPRE PERDONAN. Tienen una linda sonrisa, generosas y fuertes. DEFINITIVAMENTE LAS MÁS IRRESISTIBLE... ******* Mi Gente Music Video

My Blog


AMOR: Hoy es posible dar un gran paso para volver al amor...Hoy Senor, ayudame a aceptarme a mi misma tal como soy, sin juicios. Ayudame a aceptar a mi mente tal como es, con todas mis emociones, mis ...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 18:30:00 GMT

Missing Him so much it hurts...

As I sit here today to ready myself for this weekend, the (8) year anniversary of your being in Heaven, I felt compelled to write about how I feel today.  Pito, I am remembering our last few days with...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:41:00 GMT

About the Gemini in me...

WHAT MY BIRTH MONTH REVEALS ABOUT ME: ***Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Very Hesitating, tends to delay. C...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 19:43:00 GMT


Sharing LIFE is a precious thing, especially when you become part of it&     Dear all,   After several long, tedious months of routine tests, etc& Our Kidney Transplant date is f...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 20:16:00 GMT


HELLO TO ALL!  I am sorry if you've been deleted from my page.  I dont know what the heck happened, but myspace somehow deleted more than 50+ friends off my page and I'm not sure how, when o...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 20:12:00 GMT

My Celebrity Look-alikes

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 19:47:00 GMT


POSITIVE THINKING TO ALWAYS REMEMBER& ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />     Remember to "Do small things with GREAT love"!   Remember to "Fo...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 16:50:00 GMT


********************************************************"Fai th is the substance of ALL things..." Hebrews 11:1*A lot of times I feel I NEED MORE faith then I have**************************************...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 17:43:00 GMT


Thinking of you 2day, the day God called you home SIX years ago... I dedicate this poem to you Lil Brother Jose G. "Pito" Martinez-Caraballo On Earth 11/21/1977 * * * In Heaven 3/01/2001 May you ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 19:04:00 GMT


Dear Myspace Visitors, Let TODAY be the day you help end the spread of a killer disease, you save a life, you change the world. Everyday, tens of thousands of African children die from preventable, tr...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 18:38:00 GMT