MySpace Countdown Clocks*Sometimes when we least expect it, we r given choices and decisions have 2 b made - At d end of d day; LIFE MUST GO ON!* ******* *Celebz walk on red carpets bcuz they are famous. I walk on toilet paper bcuz I AM D $HIT* ******* *Latina BORICUA & Proud!* Most people call me "Ms411" ******* I express the same sentiments as Isabel Allende, when asked the same question over and over, "Don't you feel too exposed and vulnerable after revealing all your intimacy?" In actuality, "IT IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH THAT MAKES US VULNERABLE, IT'S KEEPING SECRETS". ******* ******* Like Anthony Rodriguez says... I am "RICANstructing MYSELF for 08!" *******
Get Your Sexy Name
¡Que Pasa Boricua! Get more at > First things first: Soy 100% BORICUA = A PROUD Puerto Rican and REAL Jibara @ Heart - Representin' Guaynabo Puerto Rico - Pa'Que lo Sepan! Now to the "other side" of me... *LOL* I am an easy down-to-earth person... I'm a gal thats crazy, fun, intelligent, witty, eccentric, caring, giving, considerate and almost always the "fruit of anyone's loom"...(wink) I'd add a lot more, but then I'd be too full of myself, asi que mejor lo dejo asi... *LOL* No seriously, overall, I'm a simple person... On any given day, I can go for a simple burger and a stupid movie or a romantic candlelight dinner and a nice walk in the park ... Whatever floats the boat at that very moment - Cause I am just how I always say I am, "Ni Facil - Ni Dificil, Simplemente Sencilla"...
I am a Lamborghini Murcielago!
I am NOT subtle, and I don't want to be. I am fast, loud, and dramatic, I want people to notice me and then get the hell out of the way. In a world full of sheep, I am a raging bull.
Go ahead and take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
************************************************ "Faith is the substance of ALL things..." Hebrews 11:1 *A lot of times I feel I NEED MORE faith then I have* ************************************************ They may see the good I do as self serving, but I continue to do good... They may see my generosity as grandstanding, but I continue to be generous... They may see my warm and caring nature as a weakness, but I continue to be warm and caring... For you see, in the end, it is between ME and God. It never was between me and THEM anyway... Just do you and be YOU - For I will ALWAYS do me and be ME!