Abi Saafir profile picture

Abi Saafir

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


I love beauty...I'm determined to add beauty to the world before I die. I love beautiful music and I'm working my way through twentieth century jazz, one recording at a time. I love capturing beauty with pencils, markers, cameras, and laptops. I'm doing 43 things . Some of them I'll finish tomorrow, some of them will take an entire lifetime.


I love learning. I have no illusions about my intelligence. I know that I'm not a lot smarter than average, but that's not the point. I love learning for the sheer joy of stretching my mind to hold new ideas. I'm constantly searching for new gems of knowledge to pocket and bring home to my sagging shelves. I read analytic philosophy and social science for the hell of it. Life is too short to stop learning for even a second. The world is a tremendously rich place for a curious person who is not bashful about his curiosity.


Life is also too short not to find work that you love. I wait tables and sing jazz at an Italian restaurant. I also work as a concierge in an Apple retail store. My main career aspiration is to become a college professor. I'm not in a huge hurry to do this, but it is something I must check off before I die. I plan to train myself into a decent cognitive neuroscientist, then spend a few dozen years teaching students about neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and the philosophy of mind.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people, and lots of them. I love people. Smart people, crazy people, quiet people, warm people, odd people, sincere people, deluded people, happy people. People who love cats, people who aren't afraid of sex, people who take risks, people who open themselves up to other people, even though it is always risky, people who drool over art supplies, people who can't read or write, old people, curious people, sad people, people with free spirits, people who believe in God, profound people, Australian people, people who have nightmares, people who dye their hair to get rid of the gray, funny people, people who know themselves, kind people, lost people, and people who can laugh at the abdurd predicament we're all in, but still put in an honest day's work.

I'd also like to meet Morgan Spurlock and eat a hamburger with him.

My Blog

I'm a racist, sexist, homophobe

Looking for a good way to use your computer? Look no further. Point your browser to Harvard's "Project Implicit" website, and find out perhaps more than you wanted to know about your subtle prejudices...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:25:00 GMT

I'm doing 43 Things in 2007, how about you?

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Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 02:59:00 GMT

More Disgust for Good

More Disgust for GoodShort reviews of two compelling films that show disgust in distinct waysBrokeback MountainHow can a person beat another person to death because they are gay? What emotions drive a...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 08:53:00 GMT

Disgust for Good

Disgust for Good Using a potent emotion to make the world a kinder place.I have watched two incredible movies in the past month...one that made me cry and one that made me nearly puke. Both films made...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 07:02:00 GMT