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MySpace Layouts
my children and my wife and some new friends and whoever is as sweeeeet as me. :)
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The L Word, Friends, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Family Guy, Deal or No Deal, my mom says she will be on there someday :), South Park, Happy Tree Friends
V.C.Andrews books...all of them, their amazing
have you ever known somebody to have overcome years and years of abuse only to be diagnosed with an uncurrable disease that will someday cripple them? and then for them to over come these things, by losing the weight they had to, and by teaching their children that hitting gets people no where and the difference between right and wrong. have you ever known somebody to get what she wants when she wants it in the most professional way? have you ever known somebody who has the biggest heart and who tries to understand her lesbian daughter even tho she doens't agree with it? have you ever known somebody who gave the greatest hugs, and when you look at them you understand what life is all about? i have. my mother. she's amazing. no woman on earth will ever come close to being as amazing as my mother is.