Shannon Niquette Ratliff (Stewart) profile picture

Shannon Niquette Ratliff (Stewart)

November 17th, 2007!!....I will finally be a Mrs. :)

About Me

I am a work in progress, under the workmanship of Christ! I have a burning desire to please my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ above ALL else.I have also always wanted to model ever since I was a young girl, but I not only want to be a model, but also a role model for others to look up to. There are lots of models out there, but I long to be one that raises the standard, that boldly stands apart from the masses, because I won't sell out for money or fame. The Lord has brought my dream of being a model to life, and I couldnt be more thankful! He allowed me to be on the first season of Americas Next Top Model, and since the show, I have been able to experience more in modeling, than I could have ever imagined and I give all the praise to Him! I also long for people to be able to see through my life, that they can still achieve their dreams, even if they keep their standards high!!! My life is a testimony to that..I believe that with Christ all things are possible. The things I want in life, are going to be worth the wait.I get enjoyment out of the simple things. I am old-fashioned in some waysI like the guy to pursue the girl, and not vice versa. I love it when the guy opens car doors/doors. I am a hopeless romantic! I want to be treated like a lady. I would definitely rather be respected by few, than be well liked by many. I long, yearn, and crave for what the Lord Jesus desires for me...I want what HE wants for my life, no matter what!
Name: Shannon Niquette Stewart
Birthdate: June 6, 1984
Birthplace: Dayton, OH
Current Location: NY, NY
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dirty blonde
Height: 5'11''
Weight: guess...
Piercings: just in my ears
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Matthew ;)
Overused Phraze: Oh, my word...!
Food: I like way to many to list.....
Candy: skittles, reese cups, snickers, twix's, suckers
Number: 20
Color: blue, pink, green, brown, black, white
Animal: dog
Drink: hot chocolate, sunkist, dr. pepper, chocolate milk
Alcohol Drink: I have never drank....
Bagel: toasted with strawberry jelly
Letter: sweet, romantic, love letters....
Body Part on Opposite sex: his smile, eyes, and chest
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonald's
Strawberry or Watermelon: I like them both...
Hot tea or Ice tea: sweet ice tea with lemon
Chocolate or Vanilla I like them both!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate with whipped cream
Kiss or Hug: can I have both while being twirled around!!! :)
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny, I love laughing....
Love or Money: love, for it is the greatest gift of can't be bought at a price!
Bedtime: whenever I am tired...normally pretty early
Most Missed Memory: family vacations
Best phyiscal feature: I will leave this one up to you!
First Thought Waking Up: Ah, another day....thank you Jesus!
Goal for this year: to accomplish all that the Lord has planned for me....
Best Friends: Jesus, my mom, sis, Katie, Tracy, Chanel...etc
Weakness: thinking too much!
Fears: heights, snakes, and spiders
Heritage: a mixture....
Longest relationship: fourteen months and counting!! ;)and counting....!!
Ever Drank: no
Ever Smoked: no
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: no, thank the Lord!
Ever beaten someone up: no
Ever Shoplifted: I would rather buy it!!!
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: no, and I hope not to be!
Favorite Eye Color: green/blue
Favorite Hair Color: light brown
Short or Long: short
Height: taller than me, around 6'2''
Style: his own
Looks or Personality: personality, it lasts longer, although there has to be some attraction!!
Hot or Cute HOT
Drugs and Alcohol: neither
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular, but not too much
Number of Regrets in the Past: they've all been wiped away....
What country do you want to Visit: BORA BORA!! Tahiti, Fiji, Italy, London, Seychelles...
How do you want to Die: at an old age, and without pain
Been to the Mall Lately: no
Do you like Thunderstorms: sometimes
Get along with your Parents: yes, talk to them everyday
Health Freak: no, I love sweets too much!
Do you think your Attractive: everyone is beautiful in the Lord's eyes.....
Believe in Yourself: yes
Want to go to College: yes
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: no
Shower Daily: yes, I love showers, and bubble baths
Been in Love: once, and still currently... ;)
Do you Sing: all the time, although you may not like what you hear..haha
Want to get Married: AHHHH....YES!!! :)
Do you want Children: yes, 2
Have your future kids names planned out: no, I would want to talk that over with my future husband....
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: RIGHT after I say "I do!"..hopefully, I won't be too old! haha... ;)
Hate anyone: no

My Interests

Serving my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who has blessed me a hundred fold.......who has shown me that with Him ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! Matthew, surprises!!, candlelite dinners, candles, especially the ones that smell.....slow dancing, red roses, sweet love letters, getting unexpected mail, thoughtful reminders that someone is thinking of you, the stars and moon at night, laughing so hard that it makes my stomach hurt, daydreaming about my wedding day, singing in the shower, having my back rubbed, hot-tubs, going to the movies, going out to eat, photobooths, bowling, getting dressed up, disco balls, cooking, grill-outs, fire-works, Gloria's tasty desserts!, working out, going jet-skiing, the beach, hanging out with friends, buying other people gifts, shopping, listening to music, planning for the future, meeting new people, dancing down aisles at the grocery store, playing sports, modeling--fashion, and traveling the world.

I'd like to meet:

/Some of the people I have met:


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Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story, While You were Sleeping, Love Comes Softly, Loves Enduring Promise, Sergeant York, old movies, A Season of Miracles




the BIBLE, Let Me be a Woman, A Man Called Peter, God Answers Prayers, Passion for Purity, the Mark of a Man, Quest for Love, The Prayer of Jabez, My Utmost for His Highest, books by C.S. Lewis, The Cross and the Switchblade, Faith that does not Falter, The Helper, Wait for Me, and Love has a Price Tag


Jesus Christ.....