Claudya the voiceThe singer who was acclaimed in the 80's
in connection the musical play Evita, wich started her career off when she
was 11 years old. Since she has been collecting an awfull lot of prizes wich
have been on the intrnational and brazilian stages.This conquest started when she was invited by the director Flávio Rangel
to joing the cast of "liberdade liberdade' to head the sound track vocal.
The work won her famous prize 'Roquete Pinto' the most important art award
at the time.Cláudya became the great atraction on the "Fino da bossa' program on Record tv wich starred by Elis Regina and Jair Rodrigues.
She confirmed her talent and from Record, she went staight to Japan
becomind the first brazilian singer to perform in the land of the rising
sun.Claudya became the great winner of the most importants music festivals
around the world always the best singer of this events.The international festival of Rio de Janeiro in the year 1969
best interpretation.The festival of Latin sound in the year 1970
best interpretation, best lirics. best arrangements.The festival of Greece in the year 1971
Best interpretation, best lirics, best arrangements and gold medal.