Jaz ♡z Billy profile picture

Jaz ♡z Billy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Eyy.. Im Jazii.. i live wit billy lol n we g0in 0ut n0w lmfa0!! rand0m truu??..ill alwayz be l0ving bentlee!! buh i live in chaddy now.. uhh.. still g0 2 sk0ol in prahran (0ff chapz).. ummm... i have lost of best frenz buh lucinda is numba 1.... skyes number 2, westy, cam, ilias, narin, mennan & hani, billy, ben n ash r all my runnerz up... ummm.... im 18!! 0h yeaha!!! cant fink of anyfink elz 2 ryt so yeah.... if ya wanna kno mor add me!! or add me 2 msn.. [email protected] buh if yuu sum sleazy guy dats tryna get in mah pants dnt add me c0z it aint eva g0nna happen s0 dnt b0tha aaight? x0x jazIm not looking for a prince charming to live happily ever after with, what fun would that be if you have already read about it?? I dont want people to say Im their everything when in a years time to eachother we will be nothing. I dont worry about the people from my past because there is a reason they didnt make it to my future. The only people you need in your life are the people that proove they need you in the theirs. If you hurt my friends, you hurt my family, if you hurt my family your fucked! YES IM A PRINCESS... BUT IM NOT YOUR PRINCESS =) (unless its my boyfriend reading this lol!). If you miss me while Im gone chances are Im missing you too. Life is too precious to worry about stupid shit so HAVE FUN GET DRUNK AND FALL IN LOVE. Say what you want to say and do what you want to do. Dont let people who dont matter bring you down. I choose to be unstoppable. I am bigger than my fears and concerns. ILL HAVE NIGHTS ILL NEVER REMEMBER WITH FRIENDS ILL NEVER FORGET. It doesnt matter what you say to me, I am loved by many and chances are your just jelous!! I sing like nobody is listening and dance like nobody is watching. I DREAM AS THOUGH ILL LIVE FOREVER BUT LIVE AS IF ILL DIE TOMORROW. All you kreeps that add me just to tell me how hot I am, dont bother, I already know Im hot LOL!! FRIENDS ARE LIKE CONDOMS, THEY'RE ALWAYS THERE WHEN THINGS GET HARD! I am the type of girl who will burst out laughing in a silent room over something that happened yesterday. Be wild, be crazy, be funny, be stupid because lifes to short to spend it trying to be cool. GOOD FRIENDS DONT LET YOU DO STUPID THINGS... ALONE. Hug harder. laugh louder. love longer. live larger. Im the coolest bum you will ever meet lol!! Dont stress over girls that try and steal your man, if he is the right guy he wont look twice, if he does then his not worth the stress. Being happy doesnt meen everything is perfect, it means youve been able to see past the incorrections. Day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everthing is different. TAKE THE GOOD WITH THE BAD AND SMILE WHEN YOUR SAD, LOVE WHAT YOU'VE GOT AND REMEMBER WHAT YOU HAD. People change and things go wrong but always remember life goes on. LOVE IS GIVING SOMEONE THE ABILITY TO HURT YOU BUT TRUSTING THEM NOT TO. Pay no attention to the people that talk behind your back, it only means your two steps ahead. I love to dance around like a retard and sing like Im on crack LOL!!

My Interests

Music. soccer. my frenz. umm yeah.
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I'd like to meet:

Jay Hernandez!! he iz sooo yummy!! and umm... SONY BILL WILLIAMS!! omfg he is h0o0o0otttt!!!!
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RnB, h0uz, tEchaz, raP, tRance... pretty much eryfink xcept all da em0 r0ck crap.
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'Lion Kings to the days!'
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i love blues clues =D n desperate houzwifes lol, && sex & da city.. sad!!
Your Stripper Song Is
Dirrty by Christina Aguelera

"Too dirrty to clean my act up
If you ain't dirrty
You ain't here to party"

You're so dirty, you make Christina look clean. What Song Should You Strip To?
People Envy Your Confidence
You have the attitude and self esteem to take on anything. Failure is beyond not an option for you - it doesn't even cross your mind.
People envy your ability to take on any challenge ... and they're secretly afraid you think you're better than them. You don't. You're just sure of yourself. What Do People Envy About You?


'Changing the rules' only book ive read lol
~*About Me*~ by 22scorpion22
*Basic Stuff*
Your Name Is: Jasmine
Do You Have A Nick Name: Jaz
When Is Your Birthday: 14th of September
What Is Your Zodiac (star) Sign: Virgo
What Is The Color Of Your Hair: Red
What Are The Color Of Your Eyes: Blue
What Is Your Favorite Thing To Wear: Pajamas
How Much Do You Weigh: 48kg
What Ethnicity Do You Cl.. Caucasion
What Religion Do You Believe In: Christianity
Are You Straight, Bi, Gay, Or Unsure: Straight
Are You Left Or Right Handed: Right
Do You Have Any Piercings: Belly & Ears
Do You Have Any Tattoos: Nope
Genre: RnB
Band: Artist - Usher or Bon Jovi
Song: U Remind Me or Nobody Knows It But Me
Song To Sing In The Shower: Im Every Woman LOL!
Movie: Lion King
Television Show: Desperate Housewives
Color: Pink or Green
Shoe Brand: Not Fussed
Clothing Brand: Adidas or Gasp
Colonge Brand: Escada
Vehicle Brand: Holden
Sport You Like To Play: Soccer & Dance
Sport You Like To Watch: Footy - GO THE DEES!!
Holiday: Ive Liked Heaps
Animal: Elephant
Number: 6
Mood To Be In: Umm Drunk & Flirtacious LOL!
Food: Lasagne or Raviolli
Desert: Chocolate Bavarian
Drink: Coffee
Person To Hang Around With: Lucinda
Favorite Thing To Say A Lot: LOL!!
Type Of Weather: Hot
Picture Design: I Love Pieces (Like Graffiti Pieces)
*This Or That*
Lover Or Fighter: Lover
Hugs Or Kisses: Hugs
Men Or Women: Men - Chicks Do My Head In Most Of The Time
Love Or Money: Love
Talking Or Listening: Talking!
Personality Or Looks: Both =D I Wanna Say Personality But I Kno Id Go For Looks
McDonald's Or Wendy's: Wendys
Friends Or Family: Both But If I Had To Pick Id Say Family
Soda Or Sport Drinks: Sports Drinks
Chocolate Or Vanilla: Vanilla
Fruits Or Vegetables: Fruits
Metal Or Rap: Rap Without Question
Cars Or Trucks: Cars
To Spank Or Be Spankin: Be Spankin LOL!!
Black Or White: DC!!! Oh Yeah!! LOL!!
Lights On Or Lights Off Trying To Go To Sleep: Lights Off But I Could Sleep With Them On Too
To Be Really Cold Or Really Hot: Really Cold Coz You Can Put Jumpers And Blankets On You
To Be Really Happy Or Really Pissed Off: Really Happy For Sho!!
To Cause Pain Or Take Pain: Depends In What Situation... If It Was A Brawl Id Say Cause Pain But If It Was Like Heart Breaking Stuff Id Rather Take Pain Then Cause It
To Cheat Or Be Cheated On: Be Cheated On
Night Or Day: Night
Messy Or Clean: Clean But Im Messy LOL!!
Single Or Taken: Single
Drugs Or Bugs: -
Are You In Love: Nope
If Not Have You Ever Been: Yes
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight: Hasnt Happend To Me But Id Say Its Possible
Do You Want To Get Married: I Dont Know Ask Me When Im 30
Do You Want To Have Kids: Eventually
Are You In A Relationship Right Now: Nope
How Long Was Your Longest Relationship: 9 Months
Have You Ever Been On A Pitty Date: Yes... Poor Guy!! i Felt Sorry For Him
Would You Go Out With Someone For Their Money: If I Didnt Like Them I Probly Would To Get Back At Them
Would You Kiss On The First Date: Yes
Would You Have Sex On The First Date: No
Have You Ever Cheated On Someone: Yes & Never Again
How Many Times Have You Been Dumped If Any: Umm Once?
Has Anyone Ever Broken Your Heart: Yes
How Many Of Your Ex's Would You Consider Going Back Out Again: One
*In A Boy/Girl*
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Long Or Short Hair: Short
Height: Taller Than Me
Piercings: Left Ear Maybe?
Tattoos: I Wouldnt Mind But Not Like Full Sleaves
Style: Gangsta Crossed With A Muztek =D
Smart Of Dumb: Smart But I Always Go For The Dumb Ones GRR!!
Hot Or Cute: Umm... Hote But They Have To Have Cute Things About Them
Good Or Bad Boy/Girl: Bad Boys
Best Friend: Lucinda & Skye
Known The Longest: Lucinda
Sexiest: Umm... Ajay or Adam? I Dont Know... I Have Alot Of Hot Friends
Beautifulest: Lucinda or Skye... I Love Them!! TH..hey Beautiful!!
Cutest: Mia... Shes Little & Cute
Coolest: Me... Nah Jokes... Umm I Dont Know
Shyest: Ashley
Smartest: Lucinda
Most Retarted: BILLY!! Nah Umm... SKYE!!
Weirdest: Cammy
Loudest: Oh Crap... Way Too Many To Chose From
Most Hard Worker: Narin
Most Helpful: Lucinda or Skye
Game Freak: Whats A Game Freak??
*Your Lasts*
Last Person You Said You Loved: Greg LOL!!
Last Person Who Said They Loved You: Greg LOL!!
Last Thing You Remember From Last Week: Umm... Staying At Billys Mums House
Last Person You Yelled At: Billy
Last Thing You Ate: Honey Sandwhich LOL!!
Last Thing You Drunk: Coffee
Last Person You Talked To On The Phone: Ilias
Last Person You Text: I Texted Skye
Last Person You Hugged: Billy
Last Person You Kissed: HAHAHA!! No Comment
Last Song You Heard: Hate That I Love You... I Love That Song!!
Last Person You Said You Hated: Billy LOL!!
Last Person That Said They Hated You: Umm... No One Tells Me They Hate Me LOL!!
Last Thing You Watched On The Television: Opera
Last Thing You Watched At The Movies: Umm... The Simpsons??
*Finish These Lines*
If Only...: I Had My I.D
I Wonder If...: Billy Will Make Me A Coffee LOL!!
I Shouldn't Have...: Been A Smart Ass To Billy... I Hate Being Tickled!!
Damn Im So...: Bored
Tonight Im Going To...: Go Out
I Want...: A Coffee
If I Could Choose Any Superpower It Would Be...: Unlimited Wishes (Like A Genie)
I Remember...: Very Little Of The Last Month
A Perfect Day To Me Would Be...: Drunk Summer Day At The Beach
The Date I Took This Long Ass Survey On Was...: The 4th of November
*Random Questions*
Do You Think Your Attractive: Not Hidious But Not Hot Either
What Are Your Goals In Life: Become A Flight Attendant
Have You ever Laughed So Hard Your Drink Came Out Your Nose: No But Ive Made It Happen To Other People
Do You Swear: Yes
Have You Ever Smoked: Yes
Have You Ever Drunk Alcohol: Yes
How Many Past Events In Your Life Do You Regret: None - I Learn From My Mistakes
What Is Your Most Missed Memory: Ohh... Too Many!!
What Is Your First Thought Waking Up: I Need A Coffee or Go Away Billy Im Sleeping LOL!!
What Do You Fear The Most: Cement Trucks
Have You Ever Been Lost Before: Yes In Adelaide... That Was Bad!!
Have You Ever Been Caught Naked: Yes LOL!!
Do You Have A Job: Nope
Do You Believe In Yourself In Most Of What You Do: Umm... Yeah Why Not
If You Could Be Granted One Wish What Would It Be: Umm... For Everyone In My Family To Be Happy & Nice To Eachother
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Captain Planet! & Buttercup from the powerpuff girls!!
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My Blog

My Life’s Thank You’s

My friend said to thank people before you die but i thought why wait, do it when your alive and kicking cos it means more. So here are my thank you's. Lucinda Beattie- Cos not only have you been my be...
Posted by Jaz az Billy on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 12:30:00 PST