fAnTaBuLoUs profile picture


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About Me

found this fashion layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

My Interests

gEttIn tO kNoW mY liL pRiNcEssEs, cHiLLiN wIt mY rEaL gIrLz iN dA cLuB... dRiNkIn oFcOuRsE...

I'd like to meet:

i mEt wHo i wAnTeD tO mEeT... mY mAn... dOuGie-fReSh
LOVE by bigbootyblack07
Are you single or taken?: tAkEn
if taken by who?: dOuG
Whats so special about this person?: hiS AmBiTiOn
when did you meet?: jAn 20, 2005
how long have you been together?: sInCe tHeN
when is their birthday?: 1 dAY aFtEr mInE
are you falling in love with them?: i aLrEaDy hAvE
what color are his/her eyes?: bRoWn
Why did you fall for them?: HiS mAtUrItY
do you think it will last?: yEs
whats the most romantic thing they have done for you?: tHaT's pErSoNaL
do you talk to eachother everyday?: yEa
what do you want most for this person?: tO fInIsH sChOOl n bEcOmE a cHeF
are they mean or nice?: bOtH... jUsT liKe mE
hot or sexy?: bOtH
boring or fun?: bOtH
do you share secrets?: yEs
do you cuddle?: eVeRyDaY
have you done THE DEED?: uH... lol
do you get along with their family?: yEs
do you go out or stay in?: bOtH
have you been on an ACTUAL date?(hooking up doesnt count.): yEs
do you care about them?: wItH aLL mY hEaRt
what would you do for them?: aNyThInG...
finally....why do you want to stay with this person?: bEcAuSe hE hAs mY hEaRt n i cAn'T iMaGiNe fAllInG aSlEeP oN aNyOnE eLsE's cHeSt.
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oPeN tO eVeRyThInG


aNytHiNg sCaRy, oR mAkEs mE lAuGh... oR cRy


wUttEvA cAtChEs mY eYe


aNyThInG wRiTTeN bY zAnE


tHe oNeS dAt sAvEd mE fRoM mYsElF n a lIfE oF rEgReTs

My Blog

yOu'Ve cHaNgEd

I remember like yesterday the very day I met you,You was lookin fly I was actin shy so when you walked on byI ignored you but then you turned around and asked me my name in an instantMy attitude chang...
Posted by mArIe B. on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 05:52:00 PST

fRoM mY pOiNt oF vIeW!

When a man tells u he loves u, it means he trusts u. He trusts u won't hurt him. That what he feels for u is above all others. When a man tells u he loves u, he's letting u know that he has a heart to...
Posted by mArIe B. on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 02:42:00 PST

jUs tHiNkIn....

Just thinkin... what if i did everything to u that you've done to me??? would u still love me the same??? what if i made u cry so much u can't cry no more??? would u still be with me??? what if i made...
Posted by mArIe B. on Sat, 27 May 2006 06:35:00 PST

pAiN iS LuV...

No relationship is perfect. But when u know that u can't be without that person... u hold on to them... u don't let them walk outta your life. Through all ups and down no matter which one fucked it up...
Posted by mArIe B. on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 02:55:00 PST