gEttIn tO kNoW mY liL pRiNcEssEs, cHiLLiN wIt mY rEaL gIrLz iN dA cLuB... dRiNkIn oFcOuRsE...
i mEt wHo i wAnTeD tO mEeT... mY mAn... dOuGie-fReSh
LOVE by bigbootyblack07
Are you single or taken?: tAkEn
if taken by who?: dOuG
Whats so special about this person?: hiS AmBiTiOn
when did you meet?: jAn 20, 2005
how long have you been together?: sInCe tHeN
when is their birthday?: 1 dAY aFtEr mInE
are you falling in love with them?: i aLrEaDy hAvE
what color are his/her eyes?: bRoWn
Why did you fall for them?: HiS mAtUrItY
do you think it will last?: yEs
whats the most romantic thing they have done for you?: tHaT's pErSoNaL
do you talk to eachother everyday?: yEa
what do you want most for this person?: tO fInIsH sChOOl n bEcOmE a cHeF
are they mean or nice?: bOtH... jUsT liKe mE
hot or sexy?: bOtH
boring or fun?: bOtH
do you share secrets?: yEs
do you cuddle?: eVeRyDaY
have you done THE DEED?: uH... lol
do you get along with their family?: yEs
do you go out or stay in?: bOtH
have you been on an ACTUAL date?(hooking up doesnt count.): yEs
do you care about them?: wItH aLL mY hEaRt
what would you do for them?: aNyThInG...
finally....why do you want to stay with this person?: bEcAuSe hE hAs mY hEaRt n i cAn'T iMaGiNe fAllInG aSlEeP oN aNyOnE eLsE's cHeSt.
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oPeN tO eVeRyThInG
aNytHiNg sCaRy, oR mAkEs mE lAuGh... oR cRy
wUttEvA cAtChEs mY eYe
aNyThInG wRiTTeN bY zAnE
tHe oNeS dAt sAvEd mE fRoM mYsElF n a lIfE oF rEgReTs