Emma profile picture


Don't steal. The government hates competition.

About Me

I have just rediscovered that honey is great on toast, but Vegemite is still my first love. I'm passionate about traveling, about totally immersing myself in whatever culture I'm faced with. I love things with an air of mystique to them, I love art, painting, drawing, they're what keep me sane.
I will judge you, if I'm going to judge one person it's only fair I judge everyone equally...I'm a strong equal-opportunist. I'm fiercely loyal to those who deserve it though experience tells me few do actually deserve it, I will also retract that loyalty without a moments notice if my trust has been broken.
I despise racists, bigots and hypocrites this harks back to my equal-opportunist ways. I'll tell you if I don't agree with you, and if I know you're wrong I will debate it with you until you see my way. I have no qualms in telling people where to go.
I surround myself with a select group of people who I adore, I have a few close friends who I will divulge anything to and the larger group of people I adore for each of their own strange and wonderful characteristics. I have a bad habit of not making an effort to catch up with people.
I despise idiocy, people who aren't as passionate about life as I am annoy me, I love people who can be themselves...I don't care if you fart, burp or scratch your ass in public, we all do, don't hide it.
I'm a student of politics and I can imitate politicians without meaning to, I can be childish, I know this and I kinda like it. Avoid pulling me into a political discussion...it's not worth the agony.

My Interests

I love the waves lapping around my feet, the smell of roses as winter comes to an end, wind on my face, smiling, laughing, being cuddled, racing down supermarket isles on the back of a trolley, being able to play a favourite song again and again and again, memories, photographs, the colour purple...and blue and pink and red, my beautiful and ever amazing friends, things that aren't normal, wrestling on the floor with Boo, watching a sunset, the feeling of sand between my toes, flying, mexican food, having paintbrushes between my teeth, behind my ears, in my ponytail and anywhere else I can find room for them while I'm painting, surprises, learning, love, new places, the build-up to going to a new place, having absolutely nothing better to do on a hot summers day than to lay in the grass or in a pool, things that seem magical, the smell of toast burning early on a hot summers morning, climbing...anything, the sight of puppies trying to run, a hot chocolate with marshmellows in front of a fire in the middle of winter, talking about random crap, building sandcastles with my nieces and nephews, riding horses, having the time to curl up with a good book, looking for four-leaf-clovers in the grass, Pear Drops, delving into a world I create when I'm writing, the smile that appears at the memories whenever I go through photo's, standing outside as the cool change finally comes through after days of sweltering heat, listening to and watching someone play the guitar, starting random conversations with random people, when the people I'm trying to draw look real enough to be alive, knowing random crap that will never be of any use to me, laying outside watching a movie, music pumping through my body, desk chair races around my dads place, the fact I'm alive to experience all these with my loved ones.

I'd like to meet:

People who aren't afraid to live and those who have overcome the odds
Sigrid Thornton
Gough Whitlam
Ian McKellen
Leonardo da Vinci
Stephen Hawking
Max Ehrmann


OK, here we go:
12 Stones
A Perfect Circle
The All-American Rejects
Angels and Airwaves
As I Lay Dying
The Ataris
Augie March
Blink 182
Bullet For My Valentine
The Butterfly Effect
Coheed and Cambria
End of Fashion
Foo Fighters
Green Day
The Herd
Ill Nino
Killswitch Engaged
Lacuna Coil
The Living End
Matthew Good
Missy Higgins
Papa Roach
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Safri Duo
Sick Puppies
Smashing Pumpkins
Story of the Year
System of a Down
Thirsty Merc
Three Days Grace


Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Matrix
The Italian Job
Shrek (1 and 2)
Kill Bill (Vol's 1 and 2)
Saw (and Saw II)
The Butterfly Effect (Directors Cut)
Mrs Henderson Presents
10 Things I Hate About You
The Usual Suspects
V for Vendetta
Pulp Fiction
Schindlers List
Last Train to Freo
American Beauty (anything with Kevin Spacey, the man's a genius)


The 4400
CSI (the original, not the spin off crap)
Thank God You're Here
Doc Martin
Boston Legal
Chasers War On Everything


Lord of the Rings Janet Evanovich's books Jean M Auel's Earth's Children series Chinese Cinderella King Lear David Edding's Belgariad series. Memoirs of a Geisha Down Under - Bill Bryson


Hero is a strong word and one I feel should be reserved for the likes of Nelson Mandela and others who have done immense amounts of good for many. I do however have high respect and appreciation for those around me, my mum, dad, Chris and others who stand by me on a day to day basis, carry me when I'm down and bring light into my life...my esoteric heroes.

My Blog

A timely epiphany

I find myself, frequently, comparing myself, my achievements thus far and my goals to others. Perhaps this is normal, I'm not entirely sure, but it's what I do. And often this becomes...my downfall pe...
Posted by Emma on Thu, 29 May 2008 01:15:00 PST

A fatal mistake...or perhaps not.

I made the fatal mistake last week of taking a break from studying. It seemed logical that after weeks of stressing, late nights, tantrums and crossing of fingers that my work would be good enough, th...
Posted by Emma on Wed, 21 May 2008 06:28:00 PST

Zen calm

There’s something about that room. I’ve had two rooms in my life that have had a similar effect on me, that of utter calm, where  every other problem fades into non-existence.Kimo&rsq...
Posted by Emma on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:32:00 PST

Itchy Feet

I’m edgy.Since I got back from overseas in 2006 I’ve been on edge, wanting to travel and see more of the world I fell in love with during my short 2 month stint abroad, but it’s gett...
Posted by Emma on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:52:00 PST

One of those vices

They were the first band I went and saw years and years ago when they were touring what would be their last album, they're the band that I still sing along to at the top of my lungs in my car when I n...
Posted by Emma on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 01:50:00 PST

An apology long coming.

Last night over a dinner with my grandparents, Chris and a couple of cousins, we got onto the topic of today's apology to the stolen generation. Never has it been made more obvious to me the differenc...
Posted by Emma on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:19:00 PST

My haven

It's another one of those blogs where I'm in the mood to blog with no predetermined idea in mind, holidays, it seems, have that effect on me, my mind can't focus on any one thing for more than a few s...
Posted by Emma on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 05:54:00 PST


There are many types of loneliness, I think I can honestly say I've felt them all now...the final one's the killer, the hollowness you never imagine can exist, the person that should never walk away. ...
Posted by Emma on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 04:19:00 PST

A Thank You

A thank you the likes of which I have done in the past would take far too long at this point, the last year has held too many varied and wonderful people that have made my life a little, and in some c...
Posted by Emma on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 07:49:00 PST

"Rain, rain, go away"

"Rain rain go away, come again another day."And I mean that. None of this 'oh but I don't want to come back, it's El Nino anyway, I have an excuse.' No, you don't, La Nina's back so piss off for a few...
Posted by Emma on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 08:57:00 PST