RUSA profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

All the time 4 me was important to be myself, cause i saw so fucking many people who lost their own feelings and thoughts following by smb more famous, pretty or brutal. i'm really happy enough if evrth in life of my family and friends is ok.The only things i believe believe is true friendship and love. Constantly trying develope mind with new and interesting stuff.. that's why like art, travelling, books, crazy and open-minded people,freaks, music and movies of deep sense. I hate wars and evil. i don't like when my cigarettes is finished and try to stay away of stupidity.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my dog=)


Russian:Purgen, E.Letov, Lumen, NAIV, DDT, Splin, Tarakani, Psihea, Kino. ...Iron Maiden, Mortley Crue, DIO, Judas Priest, Kreator, Metallica, Cradle of filth, Amon Amarth, Pantera, Cannibal Corpse, Slayer, Brujeria, Six feet under, Gorefest, Malevolent Creation. Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Doors, Enya, Sex pistols, Beatles, SOAD etc......


like movies about life of native american indians, dramas, historical, adventures and suspend. these people would make me watch the movie: Tom Hanks, Robbin Williams, Mila Iovovich, Kate Winslet, Jan Reno, Odry Taty, Kevin Spaisy, Kate Blanshet, Brittany Murthy, Nicol Kidman, Sean Connery, Jim Kerry, Elija Wood.


J.Salinger, Haruki Murakami, Tolkien, Dostoevskii, Bulgakov, Chechov, Mayakovskii, F.Nitszshe, Paolo Koelho, Dan Brawn and others


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