BRAD fucking MIllER profile picture

BRAD fucking MIllER


About Me

I'm 18 yrs old...I skateboard, it is my life. I take photos with a nikon. photography is where its at. I need to know how everything in the world works, so I break it down to a key in my head and figure it out completley. you'll find I have a big sense of humor and always smiling.Im down to earth, and tend to lean more on the positive side of things, that way everything seems to workout a little better. Getting Annihilated is fun and My best friends weed. Lets drink some beer! Going on a night sesh and just skateing is life at its best, did i mention im a lil crazy.
My AIM is: Plan9heshin

My Interests

SKATEBOARDING,Blunts, Living for the Moment, Doing anything In front of everyone, Driving baked, Singing my dick off, Being out of the ordinary, Creating art, Slim fit Clothing, Simple Mentality, Observeing Everything and i mean everything. Style, Lions mane, Spontanias, Kindness all the way!

I'd like to meet:



Anything that sounds good.. fromm country to techno. I have an open taste in music i like all sorts and preety much down to listen to anything.


Goonies, Edward Sissore Hands, The Shining, Heavy Weights, Little Monsters, Stand By Me, A Night At The Roxbury, Kick Boxer, Forrest Gump, Lion King.


Family guy


Do magazines count?


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My Blog


Dancing  the fuck outta it! THESE PEEPS ARE SICK  ...
Posted by BRAD fucking MIllER on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 05:15:00 PST

Week end

Iv seriouisly been listenign to that song whiskey lullaby for 3 hours staright and i dont know why... Any way on lighter note, makeing coynage a vid part to give to rice at eastern boarder so eh can g...
Posted by BRAD fucking MIllER on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST