This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
My name is Jami Johnson, but most call me Jami Lynn. I'm really a sweet girl and enjoy making anyone my friend. I love the color pink and would own everything in it if I could. God, friends, and family are my life. God comes 1st as He should. Family I enjoy they help and guide you along the way, even if it seems they are just being over protective. And Friends, well they are your other half. I cherish every momment in my life. I beleive everything happens for a reason. So let the little things that are holding you back go and live life because once you do life will bring you something beautiful that you thought could never happen. A friend taught me to be myself, let no one change me, and don't care what they think! You know who you are. I love the beach and would spend every momment there if I could. I like to stay up late and hit the snooze when it is time to get up, Call people that I have not talk to in a while just to say hello, Being in love and not knowing what will honestly come out of it, Kissing in the rain, dancing to no music, singing as loud as I can, act like I'm shooting a music video in the car with friends, Fall a sleep in someones arms, getting notes, and many more random things.
I love who I am and where I come from. My mom just past away May 2,2006. It has help me become a stronger person and has help me to grow up. It's not easy and I did'nt think it would be. But I carry her in my heart and always think of her each minutie of the day. Never over look people and what they are in your life. Tell them how you feel good or bad. Never go to bed mad at someone because you never know what could happen. Tell those you love you love them every time you have the chance! Life is a beautiful thing but we are not promised anything but a home in heaven! I also share my life with an amazing guy. His name is Chris. He is my best friend I love sending every second I can with him! There is never a dull momment. Anyway, he pretty much rocks my world! Live, love, and laugh like someone is always watching!