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lets just face it. Im an odd ball. I love all kinds of music. But when it comes to shit like marilyn manson. Lets just say I want to be the dog they tore to pieces.
Lord Of The Rings Lord Of The Rings Lord Of The Rings (Lets face movie of all time) Lord Of The Rings Lord Of The Rings
I was going to talk about what I liked and then I realised that would be so small. Lets talk about what I hate. What the fucks up with all this reality t.v. These shows are not only retarded but a waste of time. When I get home from work I dont want to watch shows that show work problems all day(the apprentice) I dont want to watch the biggest loser. I ESPIECIALLY THINK CANADIAN IDOL IS ONE OF THE WORST. iTS A COMPLETE COPY OF AMERICAN IDOL RIGHT DOWN TO THE JUDGES.. LETS FACE IT. MOST OF THOSE SINGERS SHOULDNT EVEN SING IN THE SHOWER.
Im not much of A reader, but from my expierience I would have to say LOTR! The hobbit, papillion and dr seuss. (lol) All books from J.RR Tolkien
when I was younger i had many of heroes, but as i grew up I realised all of my heroes were basicly failures that just seemed kewl. So as for heroes no names come to mind. sorry