TracyLynners profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I love...people. traveling. good music. a great drama or hysterical comedy. laughing. growing. learning. reading. sharing what I've learned. Jesus. restoration. reconciliation. healing. deep conversations. LOVE. I am really into helping abolish sex trafficking/slavery. Check out my banner for Love146 below!!!I don't know how to handle shallowness, or a lack of motivation. I'm constantly growing, learning, doing, moving, being. I both love and hate change. Life is a roller coaster, buckle up...but put your hands in the air and enjoy!..
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

Music; film; traveling to new places - flying; writing; painting; being outside; trying new things with friends (hiking, biking, pool, finding new beer to love).

I'd like to meet:

Friends - new and old. If you can make me laugh, you're my new best friend. :)Jesus...


I LOVE 80's music - esp. british influence - The Cure, The Clash, Howard Jones, Sting (The former Police); Tokyo Police Club, The Klaxons, Kaiser Chiefs, The Kooks, Snow Patrol, John Butler Trio, Colbie Calliat, Stone Temple Pilots, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Jason Upton, David Crowder Band, Delirious?, U2, Coldplay, Gnarls Barkley, The Killers, Enya, David Gray, Jars of Clay, Toad the Wet Sprocket, old school rap, and on & on. I love artists that are original, write their own stuff and stand out....just listen to my playlist.


Rudy, Lord of the Rings triology, Pride & Prejudice, Harry Potter series, 80's movies for nostalgic reasons, pretty much movies that show great character, growth, or extrordinary love in a person. Also, I'm a HUGE comedy movie freak...I LOVE lamp.


The dearly departed The O.C. and Arrested Development ... may it live on forever in my DVD's. :)


The Bible. Redeeming Love by Francine River. Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. Waking the Dead by John Eldridge. And the Harry Potter series. Yes people, I am a fan! I read 6 and 7 in less than a week. GREAT STUFF!


Jesus. My Mom. Your Mom. Nelson Mandela. Martin Luther King. Martin Luther. Anyone who sacrifices their lives, comforts, or preferences for the good of someone else.

My Blog

Newton Faulkner- Dream Catch Me - LOVE this song!! Faulkner Enjoy!!...
Posted by TracyLynners on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:13:00 PST

The year in review

It's been a tough year. At the job, the company went paperless on 1/29 and it's been an effin CRAZY CRAZY time since. It's finally starting to slow down a bit in the last few weeks. But it has taken i...
Posted by TracyLynners on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 06:17:00 PST

Cathartic Writing and Music

Music has been such a healing power in my life these last few weeks. I feel like finding new music has been like finding new pieces of my soul. I'm obsessed at the moment, not only with Tokyo Police C...
Posted by TracyLynners on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:48:00 PST

The Ups and Downs of Life...Goodbye Grandma

Depression is a bitch, sorry just have to say it. I bet you're like woah...way to kick this thing off! Just gotta be honest. I think recognizing those things that lead me to depression is the first re...
Posted by TracyLynners on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 07:03:00 PST

Finding Tracy again

OK, so I know I said I liked to travel, but 4 weeks in a row is just ridiculous! I spent 3 weeks in Cincinnati for work and then 1 week in Michigan because my nephew Jackson was born (not that you did...
Posted by TracyLynners on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 02:31:00 PST

I want to be a revolutionary

Shove the shit asidePush pass the political garbageWade through the depth of people pleasingTill I make it to the soft shoreline... Tearing down the sand castles And all the facades that they are buil...
Posted by TracyLynners on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:54:00 PST

Mankind's Dilemma

We cannot have love without pain, joy without despair, peace without struggle in this life because of our decision to sin. God planned the opposite for fully know love, joy, and peace without ...
Posted by TracyLynners on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 08:22:00 PST

for kicks and giggles

THIRTEEN RANDOM THINGS YOU LIKE: (no particular order)01. traveling the world.02. deepening relationships.03. driving on a warm sunny day.04. roses.05. making a difference in someones life.06. journal...
Posted by TracyLynners on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Jesus to me

Beauty in humility Strength in frailty Honor in disgrace Healing in pain Love in rejection Hope in desperation Faith in unbelief Light in my darkness.
Posted by TracyLynners on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST