Music; film; traveling to new places - flying; writing; painting; being outside; trying new things with friends (hiking, biking, pool, finding new beer to love).
Friends - new and old. If you can make me laugh, you're my new best friend. :)Jesus...
I LOVE 80's music - esp. british influence - The Cure, The Clash, Howard Jones, Sting (The former Police); Tokyo Police Club, The Klaxons, Kaiser Chiefs, The Kooks, Snow Patrol, John Butler Trio, Colbie Calliat, Stone Temple Pilots, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Jason Upton, David Crowder Band, Delirious?, U2, Coldplay, Gnarls Barkley, The Killers, Enya, David Gray, Jars of Clay, Toad the Wet Sprocket, old school rap, and on & on. I love artists that are original, write their own stuff and stand out....just listen to my playlist.
Rudy, Lord of the Rings triology, Pride & Prejudice, Harry Potter series, 80's movies for nostalgic reasons, pretty much movies that show great character, growth, or extrordinary love in a person. Also, I'm a HUGE comedy movie freak...I LOVE lamp.
The dearly departed The O.C. and Arrested Development ... may it live on forever in my DVD's. :)
The Bible. Redeeming Love by Francine River. Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. Waking the Dead by John Eldridge. And the Harry Potter series. Yes people, I am a fan! I read 6 and 7 in less than a week. GREAT STUFF!
Jesus. My Mom. Your Mom. Nelson Mandela. Martin Luther King. Martin Luther. Anyone who sacrifices their lives, comforts, or preferences for the good of someone else.