Hey Yall!! whats up, my name is Jessica Ann Brooks, but i prefer Jessy. Im 18 finally,woo hoo!! I live with my grandparents, and im a senior at LCHS. Im in a serious relationship with Christopher Baldwin, and i love him very much. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and i thank god every night for putting him in my life. I have 2 brothers, Kyle and Will, and 1 sister, Kathryn. I also have 2 godsons, Leland, who is a year old, and Jayden, who is almost 3 weeks old. They have an older brother, Chase, who is 3. All them youngens mom is my peurto rican Julie Marie. She's crazy but ya gotta love her. I dont really believe in best friends, cause they never stay the same, and most girls are drama queens. My baby would have to be my best friend, he is the only one who knows everything about me and still loves me for me and he aint no drama queen. my closest friends would have to be Ashley Fuller, Julie Marie, and Melody, aka, chicken. Oh yeah, im about to be an aunt again, Kyle's havin a youngen!! i know crazy huh, he's datin kim and i love her bunches, she's the best one yet. they got one babygirl named mallory, she aint kyle's youngen but she mid as well be. so i have one niece and hopefully this time ill have a nephew, but either way im happy. but as for me, i love to have fun, laugh, drink, chill with my friends, party, ride four wheelers on the creek, go muddin, swimming, laying out, i mostly just like the out doors and havin a good time. I love chillin wit my girls(and my homies) and drinkin a few, i guess you could say im perty laid back. well that's me, if ya have any questions just ask... hollaP.S. and for all you bitches who like to talk SHIT, and you know who you are. if you can say it behind people's back have the balls to admit to it or say it to their face!!! girls layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments