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This is a site dedicated to tattooed people being profiled. My goal with this group is to make people realize that judging people on their skin color is a form of racism. Yes, it is our choice to decorate our bodies in art. Yes, we are the people that differ from “the norms of society”. My question is… Why do some business organizations discriminate on people wanting a job with their company, based on their body art? A person with tattoos can look just as “professional” as someone without any. A person with tattoos is capable of performing the same job tasks. We can still wear the same uniforms or suits. Why should we have to cover up our art with long sleeves or pants, because that company can’t have you showing your decorated arms or legs?
Tattoos have been around for centuries. Its time to take a stand for what has been around for centuries and let people know that this is a form of judging skin color. Anyone black, white, brown, yellow, blue, and orange can not be judged on their skin color these days to get a job. That would be racist. That’s something people can’t change about themselves, because that’s permanent throughout the rest of their life. I like to differ from society with tattoos. The same as people like to style their hair different so they don’t look like everybody else. It’s a way to show people you’re unique. It’s a way to show people you will take the lead in society. FROM: JoE@SHADOWINK
brother..this page is sosoosoo on point!! you covered every damn angle that anyone has....KIILLLLED IT!!! good lookin out...everybody that reads this....YOU NEED TO SCAN THIS WHOLE PAGE!!! READ WHAT THIS DUDE IS SPEAKIN ON!!! IF YOU'VE BEEN TATTED UP AND DENIED OF SOMETHING...IT'S CAME FROM A CLOSED MIND...CHALK IT UP TO THEIR LOSS...ART IS SILENT EXPRESSION...HELP US TO FEED THESE CLOSED MINDS........ FROM: MEL - O
I love this and what it represents. As someone that is tattooed and where they are visible I have suffered the discrimination that comes with it but I refuse to hide my art for the facists. Keep up the awesome work man, I put you right up in the top of my tops so my people can see this and add it! FROM: OD
I love the heading on your page and totally agree. Stop the ignorance and give people a chance based on ability not the color of your skin! FROM: STEVE
Yes!!!!!! I was fired over a tattoo once, it didn't affect my performance, and I got nothing but compliments from "everybody" who saw it. FROM: ELLE
You just added me and I love what your doing. I love my tattoo's and i don't give a fuck what other people think, no one should have to worry about what other people think. :) FROM: -Danii
Thanks for the request! I feel honoured! Don't let anyone talk you a guilty feeling about your tat(s), I think the main reason that people regret their tat(s)is the comment of shortsighted ***holes!! Cheers, FROM: Rich
Great msg! You are in our top friends, imagine having tats for 25 years as a woman! Much worse than for a guy! Keep it up!!! cheers, FROM: krissi-steele
fuck the norm...fuck the rules...and fuck you if you dont like the color of my skin.....i really stand for what you are sayin.... FROM: satchamo
Thanks for the request. Like the site. With me, it's weird. Being a soldier, I get respect. But in the civilian side, old ladies clutch their purses, or talk shit. Stupid... FROM: MJ
My company made me take out my labret ring...and I even had a retainer that was BARELY visible! They said, well its the IDEA that you have it done. Its not professional. I work in real estate and its a very good paying job, (plus I have a kid to think about) so of course I took it out. Unrofessional???! GOSSIPING IS UNPROFESSIONAL YOU BITCHES!!!!!! FROM: Kara
GOD created humans to be individuals whom have the freedom of artistic expression...And umm not everyone is gifted to be able to pick up a tattoo gun and create a masterpeice.... so some may get religous on that topic and say that form of aristic creation has to be a GOD given talent....I wonder what he would of had to say after that??? And I dont remember tatoos being a form of sin...infact they go back as far as biblical times.... Anywho as a tatted up female I understand the stigma... but I have and never will be a "conformist":) FROM: Lauren
I'am a heavy hitter tattooed female tat artist and I just want to say thank you!!!! I had to take a break from my art for a few years and I couldn't get a job because of my art...but that never held me back from speaking my mind...Which if anyone knows a woman makes us wicked...Yes I let people know that they lost out on a good hire... I have never missed a days work when sick,I had to be sent home by my bosses in the past.I don't show late,or expect others to do my work I also took incentive to do thing on my own that needed doing. So when you hire that asshole that you fire 3 months down the road don't remember me cause you're already forgotten.Yes I did say stuff like this to them my anger at multi color racism is high.People need to see the person not the ink. As for the holy rollers you call your body a Temple...well what is your church?You decorate it and thats OK so why do you say we are going to HELL for decorating our Temple (our Bodies)????I have never understood this 2 faced attitude that seems to spew from the mouths of idiots...So once more THANK YOU TATTED 1NES for standing up and speaking out for all of us!!!FROM:Sandipro⋅file    Show Spelled Pronunciation [proh-fahyl] Show IPA noun, verb, -filed, -fil⋅ing.–noun 1. the outline or contour of the human face, esp. the face viewed from one side.In modern days of society we are judged. Each one of us have been brought up to show 1nes signifigance and meaning of showing the world something new . We as people like to show our differences, whether it be through clothes, piercings, tattoos, sunglasses, cars, or as basic as styling our hair. We like to show our status and culture.In the U.S. today, people struggle to find their selves. Once we have found who we are and what we portray to peers and our elders, we are judged. There is no need for this. We all need to be different. We are put here for a reason. The reason is not to be like everyone else. We all need to learn from each other. The preps need to sit down with criminals. Tribal cultures need to be sat down with business men. WE ALL NEED TO LEARN FROM EACH OTHER WITHOUT JUDGING!.. It’s time to quit judging without meeting that person.It’s 2009, why have we not learned from the ways that we have FUCKED up from the past."yes fuck is just a word". So tomorrow, take 2 minutes out of your day to talk to someone that is out of your culture. Maybe you will be blown off, or MAYBE you will learn something new……………………..FROM:JoEAMEN!! SO TIRED OF BEING JUDGED ALL THE TIME CUZ I DON'T FIT THE "NORM" WELL MAYBE I DON'T ;) I TRY TO BE SWEET OPEN DOORS FOR THE ELDERLY AND ALL I GET IS COMMENTS UNDER PEOPLES BREATHS(cuz they could never say it aloud..) ABOUT"DID YOU SEE HER FACE..ALL THOSE PIERCINGS! SHES SOoo SKINNY YOU REALL SHOULD EAT MORE. I HAVE A FREAKIN MEDICAL PROBLEM..JEEZ! I NEVER JUDGE UNLESS I KNOW THE PERSON WELL ENOUGH TOO. PEOPLE NEED TO CARE MORE AND FORGET WHATS ON THE OUTSIDE!FROM:Em

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In modern days of society we are judged. Each one of us have been brought up to show 1nes signifigance and meaning of showing the world something new . We as people like to show our differences, wheth...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 15:53:00 GMT