I will be the first to admit that I am an "interesting" person. I love life, and i love every aspect of life. My approach to life is simple, everything happends for a reason..although we may not understand it. Every person that passes through was suppose to be there, at that particular moment in time, for some reason or another. And I believe that there is an element of beauty in every circumstance.
I love music. Although I don't play any sort of instrument; I greatly respect and admire those in this world who seemingly sacrifice a part of themselves when providing the rest of us with the theme songs to our lives.
Writing is a hobbie of mine. It is my outlet, my release. I could pour my heart and soul into a few words, and after i do so, everything suddenly seems ok.I'm a dreamer, a thinker, an optimist. I write words, I write them for me, I write them for those that may chose to read them, and I write them just in case they reach someone somewhere that may need to hear them. I am passionate about everything I believe in. I am passionate about my God, my faith, my friends and my family. I am passionate about love and finding it one day...and I am passionate about knowing what TRUE love really is. I love to listen, and I love to talk. I love to see that look of amazement on a person's face when they realize that they are revealing to me, more than they have shared with another human being in years...and I love knowing that, in a way, they are expierencing some form of relief from their own emotions. I love passionate people, those who know what they love, know what they believe in, and go for it! Embrace it, wrap their arms around it while pursuing it at the same time. Those that have an idea, and actually take time to pause and consider that idea and dwell upon that thought...and then feel confident enough to share it with someone. and I love to surround myself with those that inspire me, and they could easily be a thousand miles away and still provoke the same sort of emotional reaction in me. and it is with those individuals that i become completely and totally amazed. because to know yourself, is to accept yourself...and acceptance is the first step towards loving yourself...and it is in that, where we are then able to love others completely.
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