My name is Keeley.
I am constantly changing.
Therefore, I am consistently inconsistent.
I hate hypocrites & liars more than anything.
& with that statement, I have just become both.
Because honestly, I will never hate anything more than I hate roaches.
I live for acoustic guitars & concerts.
I believe the perfect photograph is unattainable.
But that doesn’t stop me from trying.
Music is my drug, & I will always be a junkie.
I share that addiction with nothing... except Dr. Pepper.
I think holding hands is pretty great.
I like to think I’m memorable, but I’m probably not.
Chances are I love you.
I’m pretty good at giving advice (although I’m horrible at asking for it)
I haven’t eaten meat since September 2007.
I play keyboard… badly.
I also write lyrics, but I never said they were good.
I’m the girl in the crowd who knows all the words to all the songs.
Don't be fooled. I'm really nothing special.
Thank you, that is all. You may now return to your daily lives.