I love Justin. He is magical. We have enough inside jokes to make someone’s head implode, and then we could blame it all on Laura. He really does make me smile and laugh more than any friend I have, and I feel really close to him as a person. But seriously, I can actually stay on the phone with him for hours and not get bored, he is genuine, he is a Saggitarius, he is smart, strong willed, and aweseome to chill with. Like woooowww... We connect. WTF :]. Its like mother earth is saying SLOOOWWW DOWWWNNN but we said fuck you and kicked her with our ENERGY LEGS. He is one of the sweetest guys I know, he deserved that kitkat lighter for sure, and he is just awesome completely as a person. Who else in the world is going to have a baby that comes out with a Jamacian accent and a j, even though justin is a cracka lookin ass. I think he and I are going to be niggas for life, whether he wants to or not. I will hold him against his will. But in a good way. We have to go to the beach together soon. And dance. I luv him. He is ma baby. :D –sky/scottHatchet Man MySpace Comments MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes
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