Lisa profile picture


White tea comes from the baby tea leaf

About Me

I finally decided to re-fill my space...or is it "my myspace?" That sounds a little redundant. Anyway, mostly, I am tired of getting flack from my pals about how lame my space is... or my myspace...whatever. So here it is: I believe in the quality of your friends, not the quantity. My biggest pet peeves are poor grammar and spelling... blame that on Mrs. Drennan's sixth grade English class. I am one of the most laid-back, easy-going people you will ever meet...maybe a little too much so for my own good. That would explain why I am still in college at my age... But I'm gonna git 'er done, and that's the important thing. That's right, I am that old lady in the front of class who has to resist the urge to turn around and say "Shhhhhh!!" when those crazy kids are recapping their weekends of drunken debauchery. But really, I just wish I had been invited.

My Interests

Cooking: Still an amateur, but if you got a pink Kitchenaid mixer for Christmas, you'd want to use it at every opportunity too! Reading, traveling, vegging on beaches with a margarita in hand whenever possible, following my boyfriend around on his athletic ventures...of course I don't actually participate.

I'd like to meet:

Jimmy and in Choo and Blahnik. Lilly Pulitzer, so I can barf on her. I guess I'm supposed to say the Dalai Lama like everyone else, but psssshhhhht, I don't think he could keep up with the conversation. I'd rather meet Martha Stewart... I could go on for hours with her about good things. Margherita Missoni... actually, I would like the whole Missoni family to just adopt me already. And Tom Ford... I am not entirely convinced that he's gay. You have to have been with a woman to know their curves that intimately.


My all-time favorite song is "Dancing with Myself" by Billy Idol. Somehow it makes it into all of my playlists... I can't help it, it never fails to get my feet moving. Other than that, 80's Madonna...pretty much anything from the 80's. Mary J. Blige, Jodeci, Biggie, Aaliyah, Justin Timberlake. A little more current stuff: Saves the Day, Straylight Run, Mae, Keane, Killers, Postal Service, Deathcab, Jack's Mannequin. So yeah, my tastes pretty much run the gamut. I have been known to play Gigi D'Agostino's "I'll Fly with You" a little too much. I am Asian, so it's to be forgiven.


Sixteen Candles... I pretty much live for the day a man will get me a birthday cake, and we will sit on the dining room table, and he'll tell me to make a wish, and I'll say, "It already came true..." SWOON! Goonies, Dirty Dancing, Can't Buy Me Love, Heathers, Ferris Bueller's Day Off... they don't make them like they used to.


Food Network is on our TV about 50% of the time... especially Everyday Italian with Giada. What Not To Wear. Grey's Anatomy. 24. And this little show on the We channel called "Bridezillas." Don't laugh, my boyfriend likes it more than I do.


Hemingway. Amy Tan. Bergdorf Blondes. There are a bunch of pretty books in our apartment I would love to read, but they are wrapped in plastic, and I'm not allowed to read them lest they lose their value...tee hee.


Two words...Martha Stewart. Recently, I was reading Martha Stewart Living and commented on her brilliance. My mom said, "You're not THAT crazy about her, are you?" I turned to her with a dead serious look in my eye and said, "Uh, yes...I don't joke about Martha."