KaZoRp profile picture


Im DeAd oN tHe suRfaCe....

About Me

If I dOn'T lIKe yOU I'll pRoBablY sTare cLoseLy iNtO yoUr EyeS For aN aWkwArd wHilE aNaLyZinG yoU uNtil You gEt wEirDed oUt, tHen rEaliZe youR oBserDity and IGnoRe yoU cUz bY thIs poInt yOu'Ve juSt beCome aN IrRatAnt iN mY wOrLD!

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Entwined

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

You are 100% Aquarius
How Aquarius Are You?


block party, Goldfrapp, 22 20's,Razorlight, Kasabian, The Killers, The Walkmen, Interpool, Goldfrapp,The Pixies, Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, Muse, Bowie, Air, The Sex Pistols, Blur, Tears for Fears, The Cure, White Stripes, INXS, Depeche Mode, New Order/Joy Division,Flock of Seaguls, Morissey, The Smiths, Roxy Music, The Flaming Lips, Fc Kahuna, Timo Maas, Ladytron,The Doors, Belle & Sebastian, Hendrix, Zepplin, Stones... and my own concoction of newyorkcitynoiseofthestreets. I think i need to throw up ; (


Clockwork orange --good shit, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, MOmento, Gummo, Bowling for Columbine, Lost Highway, BRaveheart, Fear and Loathing, South Park the movie,GO,goonies.....And the movie of my life which you can see when you put two mirrors facing eachother in an empty room.


I DoNt liKe bOxeS tHat TalK


CaN yOu beLeiVe aNne rICe weNt aLl cHriStIAn On mE????



My Blog


Why the days seem like eternity, i have no clue. but thats my status right about now. by 5:30 (17:30) I'm ready to collapse. sleep no longer seems a necessity for I long to be in the comfort of my spa...
Posted by KaZoRp on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

an ode to the world...

Mush. Thats what the world has become, utter and complete mush. Is it a bad thing? not quite See this is the space we live in, therefore this is all we know. our own human behavior is equivalant t...
Posted by KaZoRp on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

better I should fall

I often think about death, not about dying, but that euphoric feeling you get once you leave your mortal body. like your being drifted away, floating. You know that feeling you get when your so damn...
Posted by KaZoRp on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST