Myspace Layouts at / Entwined
Myspace Layouts at / Entwined
Myspace Graphics
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block party, Goldfrapp, 22 20's,Razorlight, Kasabian, The Killers, The Walkmen, Interpool, Goldfrapp,The Pixies, Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, Muse, Bowie, Air, The Sex Pistols, Blur, Tears for Fears, The Cure, White Stripes, INXS, Depeche Mode, New Order/Joy Division,Flock of Seaguls, Morissey, The Smiths, Roxy Music, The Flaming Lips, Fc Kahuna, Timo Maas, Ladytron,The Doors, Belle & Sebastian, Hendrix, Zepplin, Stones... and my own concoction of newyorkcitynoiseofthestreets. I think i need to throw up ; (
Clockwork orange --good shit, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, MOmento, Gummo, Bowling for Columbine, Lost Highway, BRaveheart, Fear and Loathing, South Park the movie,GO,goonies.....And the movie of my life which you can see when you put two mirrors facing eachother in an empty room.
I DoNt liKe bOxeS tHat TalK
CaN yOu beLeiVe aNne rICe weNt aLl cHriStIAn On mE????