N E L L is a male/ female "Electronic -Glam- Pop" duo, based in New York City, formed by Amit Zach and Mieke Van Halsema.
As one of Israel's most sought after music producers, Amit Zach has had seventeen number one singles in Israel, won multiple awards including "Song Of The Year" (People's Choice Award by Israel's largest circulation newspaper, "Yedioth Achronot" Nov 2007) , "Composer Of The Year" (from the Israeli version of ASCAP, ACUM Jan 2008), and recently awarded 3rd place "Best Pop Songwriting" (Billboard Magazine World song Writing Contest 2007).
Mieke Van Halsema has spent several years as a prominent fixture in the Boston music community where her influences were drawn from the punk, hardcore, and electronic projects that she and her contemporaries grew up in. Her craft naturally led her to New York City where she was embraced by the Williamsburg counter culture music scene, where she started honing her songwriting and performing skills.
N E L L is currently in their Brooklyn studio, working on material for their first album, playing on the East Coast, and preparing for their first U.S. Tour.