3(eMªUOo profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace

Para CoNoCermE mas...cOnOcE A mi musIca http://es.youtube.com/user/DoWoBeHa

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

to anyone...who loves life, who loves music, who loves dreaming...that myspace has made long time ago...don't judge me without meeting me...i think that i'm not the same...at some aspects it's great but i've lots of dubts and insequrities this year...i've to decide the most decisive question i'll ever do in life...well, one of them...¿what i want 2b?...-a:a dreamer girl unhappy who is studying to do something...(the easyest way)...my life doesn't have sense... -b: or follow my dreams be happy and split up with sweets...(and hurt my parents economy and maybe their hearts-.-)i'm too insecure and my english don't get better i don't know...what u think about?u're allowed to recommend me bye...^^

My Blog

Te contare un cuento...

Te contare Un cuento...un cuento sobr mi lamento, un cuento sobre mi mundo sobre el mundo, sobre mi gente, sobre mis aptitudes y carencias, sobre la genetica, sobre el animo, sobre el cielo, el mar y ...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 04:33:00 GMT


************************************************************ ******************* i've said 2 you that i would give u a present...i promised you-.-..a very sexy present...because i think that nude is pr...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 20:42:00 GMT

dialogO CoN lA deSeSpErAcIoN deL AlMa hUmAnA**)

La vIda da muchas vueltas...a veces demasiadas...va tan rapido que ni nos damos cuenta de lo que esta pasando a nuestro alrededor...nos cegamos de nuestros propios problemas y cuando abrimos los ojos ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 19:45:00 GMT