GAFGuerillo profile picture


About Me

Musician ( Green Army Fraction , Gemeinschaft and a few more projects of lesser importance)

Writer (Essays on religion and tradition, mainly)

Student (working on a master's degree in history and a bachelor in religion)

Other than that my interests include the Divine, beer (mostly Trappists and otherwise "monastery style" at the moment), and methods of secluding the mind from the horrors of the modern world.

My Blog

Green Army Fraction new releases is now up and running again, complete with a load of new releases, including a T-shirt. New releases now available from me include: "The Greater and the Lesser Holy Wa...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 10:14:00 GMT

G.A.F. Interview

A lengthy interview is available in the 9th issue of polish webzine Mlodziez Imperium. The whole thing is mostly in polish, but there is an english version of the interview in there somewhere, and "se...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 01:13:00 GMT