Just me and my Ideas,and a digital recorder.I fiddled for years with tape decks and old microphones using a mixing desk for the recording levels.Then I finally bought my Digital machine I use today,and it has been great to realize a dream from when I was a child.To be able to record my own songs. Have played around with my own compositions for years,nothing is written down and the words are plucked from thin air and dreams as I go along.All songs are recorded and written at the spur of the moment.To sit and write a song lyric then add music to it does not work for me at all...I also have a Music account with ezFolk and if you are interested there is alot more songs posted there as the number is almost unlimited.Just click on the link in the Bands Web Site section. I am a single dad of three and I am at my happiest writing and playing my music.Whether anything ever fruits from it money wise or not it does not matter.I know that I would wither and die if it was takin away from me.
To view my older profile- brewster
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