Business Purposes: Steve Case, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, guys like that. Their stories are very interesting and you can learn a tremendous amount from them. Also up there would be Einstein, Socrates, Shakespeare and other people who changed and shaped the world as we know it today.Curiosity Purposes: My parents when they were my age...I think that'd be very interesting and talk to them and see what they'd have to say. Probably the same with my grandparents. I always find it amusing to look back at how little I knew back when I was in my early 20's and how much I've learned now. Very cool to see if they though the same way ask them how they expected their next 30 years to be...wonder how close it was to what they were expecting.For Fun: one in particular. It's always fun to meet famous people and hang out with them, but they put their pants on one leg at a time like everyone else and their lives are usually pretty complicated. A few of my friends in school couldn't go out to dinner without being harrassed by fans and although it's cool in the beginning - it gets old.Relationships: Last, but definately not least. A tall, smart, classy and beautiful greek girl that can keep up with me (or I have to keep up with her - even better). It's tough for me to meet someone because I'm not your typical 26 year old and I need my girl to challenge me. If all she's interested in is shopping and what's going on with MTV or US weekly - it's probably not going to work. Also, I'm very secure when I'm in a relationship, otherwise I wouldn't be with her in the first place, so someone who's overly jealous and/or possessive won't work either. There's obviously more, but she's that girl and she meets the above criteria, then there's a lot of depth to her that I'd love to find out about.