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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com My name is Kara and im 27. I got married sept 10th 2005. We are trying to have our first baby and im so excited about it. I really want twins, so mabey ill get lucky. My husband is awesome, he is the love of my life. I am a christian, God is the most important person in my life. I am a republican, i have strong moral values and im defianlty from the south kind of girl,lol Ilove 4th of july it is my favorite holiday, I think america is the best country in the world!! I am a cosmologist and makeup artist. Make-up is my passion i love it!! I love it when i know i made a diffence in someones life. I love life and i love to laugh. I love being outdoors, l love camping, fishing, mudding, anything that involes fresh air. i did go repelling once, yeah that was not smart since i have a fear of hieghts,lol. I have lots of animals, I LOVE animals, if i ever win the lottery i want to open up a animal santuary and adopt every stray animal. My dogs ands cats are awesome, they are our children right now,lol. I really have no complaints, i have a great family, great job. Im starting my journey to weight loss and a healthyer life style,its going to be hard for me because im stuck in my bad habbits but the rewards out way it. But thats me, im pretty much what you see is what you get,lol

My Interests

Hair and Makeup
Im a cosmetologist, so hair of course. One of my jobs im a hair and makeup artist, and the other one i help people with working out health nutriution all that good stuff. Which is awesome because i feel im helping people with the same goal as me to be heathly. I really struggle with my weight it has been on of my biggest changllenges trying to lose weight and if i do lose it keep it off for months at a time, i suck at it. but i am trying and that is one of my goals that doesnt change. MY JEEP MY JEEP MY JEEP, my husband just doesnt understand the love for my jeep, he doesnt really get it, but oh well its a love only a jeep owner could understand. I also love anything outdoors, me and my husband have bikes, lol me on a bike :( but we havent got to use them yet, hopefully soon Saving To Your Album

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Graphics

New clients for hair and makeup tom hanks, jessica simpson,president bush, mike myers. People that make me laugh!!! People that have lost weight or are trying to, i need all the motavation that i can get!! ..


I love No Doubt!!!!, Gold finger, Gary Allen, Chris Cagle, Jessica simpson,Matchbox 20, 97 music lol. i like randon music


Jaws, Encino man, Super star, all the Austin powers movies, Joe dirt, Ten things i hate about you, Shes all that, A walk to remember, the Notebook. .... src="http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l13/bellhornbella4/je epscripture.gif" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"..


I have to watch King Of The Hill everyday, its a must!!! "that boy aint right" i Love watching nick and jessica on Newlywedds, im watching it trying to firgure out what went wrong in their marriage. it makes me soo sad.


the bible, natures cures they dont want you to know about, Lisa bevire's books, i love reading intouch!!! lol I love makeup books i have all of kevins acoins books im a terrible speller.Graphics'


Adam- I really respect him for all he has done and the great sacerfices he has made for love. I think our love story is so awesome!!! It makes me have faith in love and relize that if you devote everything to your relationship no matter how far apart we were that our love still managed to grow stronger

My Blog

Just a waiting game now

I went to the dr monday, for my shot.  They shot me with the actaully pregnacy hormone, to stimulate everything.  My shot was in my hip, it didnt hurt at the time but the next day it was soo...
Posted by Kara on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 04:38:00 PST

Where did all the water go?

Every since i have done these 2 rounds of clomid, i have noticed something weird.  My swelling has been about 80% less, and every round i finish i lose another 5 pds.  My dr has noticed this...
Posted by Kara on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 07:45:00 PST

2 are dropping monday

I had my ultra sound today on my ovries and she said that everything looks great!!  I have produced 2 strong eggs, one is a 13 and ones a 11 whatever that means,lol.  And she said my li...
Posted by Kara on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 05:17:00 PST

i have to go back again!

My tooth is STILL hurting, so i called my denist.  They are going to have to remove some more of my nerve, i guess whatever they did didnt work.  They said that it still shouldnt be hurting....
Posted by Kara on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:15:00 PST

The only time i dont want to be pregnant

As you guys know im on my 2nd round of clomid that i started the 15th and today was my last pill,  I am under the assumption that im not pregnant, becaues i took test and they said negative, then...
Posted by Kara on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:27:00 PST

wow thats a lot of money!!

Today at work, i left about 2hrs early to go to the denist for my tooth that has been bothering me.  I was hoping they could do something with it today, a denist a few months ago told me that i n...
Posted by Kara on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:42:00 PST

date day

My friends wedding was today, i was a bridesmaid, so it was pretty fun.  I did her hair in a cute little updo.  I should be sleeping right now, since i have been up way way to long.  Me...
Posted by Kara on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:45:00 PST

Did i shave my legs for this?

I was thinking about that song by deena carter, i think thats the name of it.   I think its funny how when you start dateing someone, you legs need to be ultra smooth, and you shave every si...
Posted by Kara on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:48:00 PST

my dr appt

I went for my dr appt today.  I got sick last night and still was sick today.  I think my work wanted me to come back after my drs appt, but i couldnt.  i still dont feel good with the ...
Posted by Kara on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:45:00 PST

confused about 2 lines?

Am i or not, hmmmm.   Im kinda confused but i know i need to be pacient.  I took a test around 5pm and i waited a few mins, seen it was negative and tossed it.  It was just a test,...
Posted by Kara on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 10:42:00 PST