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I am here for Networking

About Me

I have a cat, a Nat, and a big fat rat named Pat, actually I have not rat named Pat, but that, well that, wouldn't be very Seuss without the rat. But I don't wear a hat, nor carry a bat. I do eat fat and I have sat, but that's not very interesting now is it? I know not the meaning of begot or begat, but I do know a bit of 'dis and dat. The point of all this silliness is that- well, I want to be known as more than just the guy who runs the Nat....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Over the years I have literally had junkies and cops, a preacher and a satanist, that I called friends. The thing they all had in common was that they were all true- to themselves and to the world, and of course to me. None pretended to be anything that they weren't. The junkie never stole to pay for his habit. The cop really believes in what she's doing, trying to make the world a better place. The preacher never judged, the most faithful man to Christian beliefs I think I have ever known. All my friends have been weirdos, geeks, and freaks. And I like it like that. A buddy I had in Jr High once wrote in a letter to a girlfriend of his, that the only power in the world that can compare to that of God is the power of friendship. I am proud that he called me his friend. I want to meet more people like these.

My Blog

Born Into A Different Life

There's an old saying, "born on third base." GW Bush is the quintessential example of that one. I've said it before, I was born in the dugout, but truth be known I like it that way. Hardships make us ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 19:07:00 GMT

Thoughts On A Cold Night

Thoughts on a cold night-It is seven degrees outside. Seven. I have been joking about a correlation between age and temperature all day, since seeing it was Eighteen on a sign at the bank while on my ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 00:47:00 GMT

Sex vs. Eating Disrders

Right now I am dedicated to a very strict diet so that I may go back to partying as soon as possible. I enjoyed a wonderful evening of good friends and great music at the 806 tonight, surrounded by pe...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 08:39:00 GMT


So what does "sober" mean? For my grandmother, it means having never had a drink in her life. She has never been anything but, save for maybe a sluggishness after something her doctor prescribed her. ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 09:21:00 GMT


I have been working on some song lyrics for years now that will become one of at least three songs written before I am un-sober again. The song is about change, the stagnation of my life and how for b...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 05:27:00 GMT

Drunken Saturday Night

So it is Saturday night and I find myself drunk alone and lonely, but that isn't the point. That describes most every Saturday night. When this becomes a song, which I promise it will, I can leave out...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 08:15:00 GMT

A Man In Love.......

She came to me like the flu- unexpected; you try to protect yourself, but it happens anyway. But the fever was blissful and the dizziness was like the best drunk ever. And the chills..... the chills c...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 14:37:00 GMT

Rebate Check

So our dear government in its infinite wisdom has come up with a solution to our economic woes. It pretty much amounts to giving us all a check, supposedly for about $600. This is not to be seen as an...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:31:00 GMT

Welcoming in 2008

So here we are, 2008. It is January 2nd, the true first day of the new year really. The 1st is reserved for sleeping in after the Eve's decadence, waking to the smoke stink in your hair and the poundi...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 17:09:00 GMT