Almost anything that allows me to expand my imagination and work my creative side. Photography is a big interest for me. I have this need to record the beauty of this world and pass it on to others. It truly amazes me how few people look at and apreciate the sky. There's a daily canvas being painted in the most magnificent colors and forms and all that is required of us is to look up. Yet..... too few people do that. Comics are another big interest. The comics industry seems to be a forgotten bastion of restistance. The writers and artists seem genuinely concerned with the Bush regime's attack on our freedoms and on humanity itself. One writer went so far as to have the president publicly humiliated by a superhero who felt the president's policies were abhorrant and the story now revolves around the president focusing his considerable power upon destroying said hero. There have been critiques on the government's pre 9-11 inteligence gathering and even one postulates the government's involvement in 9-11. Not to mention the works of Alan Moore. His Promethea series has the best explaination of the Kabbalah I've ever read. Friends and family are a huge interest. I don't know what it is about Austin, but I know two hundred of the coolest people and I know there are a shit load more I haven't even met yet. Austin is the place, people. Let me tell you. Even with the money grubbing Yuppies trying to fuck it up. Coffee is a large interest. I like coffee and coffee seems to like me. The hooka in my solarium also interests me greatly. The love of my life also holds great interest for me, but that's all you dogs get. The rest is too sacred to speak of here.
I'm not convinced I've ever met anyone I didn't already know. I think this moment and every other moment in time are somehow interconnected. While we're not exactly reliving moments we're living them all at once, somehow. Get back to me on this one. My dreams seem to be nightly unraveling this mystery.
The Sad Accordians and the Whisky Priest are two of the most awe inspiring and emotionally moving musical ensembes I've encountered in a VERY long time. Do yourself a favor and go see these bands or at the very least track down some recorded stuff.
1) La Reign Margot (fucking fabulous costumes and sets, fucking fabulous recreation of the St. Bartholomeu Day Massacre, fucking faulously beautiful people, fucking fabulous story. In short my favorite movie of all time.) 2) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I'm sure this is on most movie buff's lists, but I'm trying to be honest, not original. This is quite honestly the current pinnacle for Hollywood style filmmaking. Not to mention the message couldn't be more applicable to our current situation. I mean come on when Sauron growled "Let's Roll" to his army of evil, I was a little taken aback by the coincidince.) 3) The Royal Tennanbaums (The Baumer's attempted suicide set to Elliot's "Needle in the Hay" is my favorite cinematic moment of all time.) 4) Thin Red Line (Pure, unadulterated visual poetry. I weep openly every time) 5) Braveheart (OK I know this has a bit of the old Hollywood fluff, but Mel's subtle direction superimposed upon a backdrop of bloody violence and driven by one man's refusal to compromise in the face of severe adversity is a combination that drives me wild. I'm an emotional wreck after watching this film. It makes me want to burn my local cop shop while screeming freedom at the top of my lungs.) 6) Amelie (The scene where she skips stones in the canal. Waterworks. I cry like a very small child. It's so touching somehow. The music. The movement. The character's purpose.) 7) The current spate of documentaries: Super Size Me; The Revolution Shall Not be Televised; Farenheight 9-11; The Corporation; The Fog of War, etc..... I realize they should each get their own spot on the list and I would do that but for one simple fact. They are all acomplishing the same goal. they are all waking people up. Forcing people to realize and accept their involvement in the dehumanizing society our parents and theirs built for us. These films are all helping everyone remember that we have a choice in how we live. We have a choice in how we're governed. We have a choice in who we are. The films are a collective Fuck You to the establishment. And for that I love them all equally.
Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. Turn off your television. For your immortal soul will be in great peril if you do not.
Myself. For I am all as I reside in all things. Become the Christ