♥ We stare into eachothers eyes with a love only we understand; have stupid fights that kissing will make us make-up; you always laugh at me when i say silly things; you love me for my stupidity about trucks or any other motor vehicle; cuddle && hold eachother just to be close; say i love 58 million times in a row just to remind eachother; && yet love eachother to no end because we know deep down we are soul mates. ♥ *March 2nd, 2007, 10:17 p.m.* so, maybe he means the world to me. i have definately already made him my everything, so i will admit.. if i lose him, i will have nothing. he has changed me in so many ways that i can only begin to imagine. hes showed me what it really feels like to love someone && to be loved. i never thought at this age i would feel this way, but i do. i want to spend the rest of my life with this boy. he is so special to me in so many ways, NO ONE, && i mean NO ONE could ever replace him to me. i love him, literally. he is my addiction, && im hooked. The two best smiles i get are the smile i put on his face, && the smile he puts on mine. All the pain he caues me at one moment doesn't even begin to compare to the significance i get when he causes me happiness. i really NEED him in my life. i can't && i WON'T live without him. i thank God is so many ways to have found someone who has such an impact on my life && who makes me so happy. i love him, && he loves me. the end. =)
This profile was made at Whateverlife.com! :)