Japanese Fighting Fish: 3 fisherman sold their trawler bought new gear and made a band.
After a ten year spell in the wilderness we all crossed paths one scorching day outside Josephs well. Karlost was auditioning for another band. Paul and Steve left the meeting wondering whether he would pull through… Living in Hyde Park a little too long had taken its toll, days were nights and nights day.
At first practice (in the old chapel) Paul and Ste had an instant connection, filling out tracks that had only ever been played on an acoustic. It was agreed, there was something there…we need a name???????? Darren from the chapel walks in ….’you should be called Japanese Fighting Fish’….and so it began.
JFF have worked closely with:
Sound People Records more specifically Jack Simpson,
JFF have also worked with:
Will Jackson@Soundworks (producer for the music, pigeon detectives, the cribs), Rob Chapman (Loqui, Vibrations, Tea Time Shuffle Hi-Fi),
Andy Hawkins (Pravda, pigeon detectives),
Mat White,
Moog promotions,
Paul@Raw Nerve.
Drew @Trash,
Doc@The Primrose,
Craig@Deadyoungrecords and many more.
JFF to Play Moor Fest, check out line up at the moorfest website
Japanese Fighting Fish are getting prepared for our single release THE FISH would like thank Mat White for his amazin help, time and persistance with the pre production:) Thanks to Uncle Russ for his support .
We are using May/June to write and finalise our single and are planning to record it with Andy Hawkins.
Single will be released (confirmed date will be up soon) on Sound People Records (confirmed date will be up soon)
he he good times. thanks everyone for your continued support.
’A highlight of my last five tip for success!'
(Will Jackson - Producer of The Cribs, The Music and The Pigeon detectives).
Vibrations Magazine
’Watching Japanese Fighting Fish is like being on Class A drugs’
(Chasing Jade)
’....Wierd..and fucking ace’
(Jack Simpson, Sound People, Rivers)
’....One of only three bands to impress me that i’ve known nothing about before hand, a great live band.....Japanese Fighting Fish are wicked’
(Will Grinder, Leeds promoter,
'Japanese Fighting Fish - erm awesome oddness very tight, f*ck knows what genre but they are very good!' (LMS Forum)
'Japanese Fighting Fish These guys put on one hell of a show!' (LMS Forum)
'Japanese Fighting Fish are probably three billion times better than I expected them to be. they were really really good. The tightest band I've probably heard ever in Leeds.'(LMS Forum)
Whats just been?
The Glasswerks tour was ace, Fly with Vampires are the nuts,,good skills the Canations...i'm sure we will all gig again soon. Thanks to everyone for putting it together.
Brit Bus was amazing we had an amazing day massive thanks to all the crew...we also really enjoyed our first live radio performance for the BBC.
The FISH and The T-Moose and The Rob did a photoshoot in the Leeds olympic pool on Sunday, we would like to say The Moose is an absolute legend. We will never ever forget that day, our first photoshoot and a whole load of police ...the only way.
The Grove with The Three Wise Men was a memorable event, The Fish love playing Acoustic...some how it was even more mental. Thanks everyone for coming down and making the night so ...shall we say lively.
[email protected]
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