I Go By Rachel, But you can Call Me Rach!!
Born in Venis Fl, Living in CapeCoral W/My love.
Taken, & Happily in love.
Beautiful, Crystal Blue eyes.
I have LONG Dark hair.
I'M 4'11, If I'm lucky 5ft!
I weight in at 98lbs.
I'm Different then your average women!
I tend to Pick new things up fast.
I’ve got the best ppl in the world who care for me.
My family were all musicians, Except myself.
Give & Receive good advice & use it Right!
I Don't Play Punky ass games!
I'll tell anyone the truth without hesitation.
I’ve got the best Dysfunctional family anyone could ask for.
An Two older brothers that I'd kill for!!!
Always There for my friends, No matter what!
As myself i will tell you how it is & how is goes.
Don't underestimate my size, I tear bitches up if needed!
I'm Shy, IF ppl around me are Shy.
...Very outgoing and Outspoken...
I'm a Smoker & Drink occasionally.
They all call me crazy, But for the ppl who really know me say I'm just wild.
I have 13 piercing & maybe a tattoo.
Live For Bigger & Better things.
Work for what you Love & Want In this world.
Enjoying life as it comes to me.
I'm Country filled & Hardcore surfaced.
Very Sarcastic Most of the time.
Words can't hurt me- Actions Might.
I Laugh at things that normal People Don't laugh at.
Ask me anything you want if this doesn’t help you know who i am.Aim-Douxamour01
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