Heather profile picture


The Undisputed Queen of Life's Chessboard

About Me

Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try as many times as you think necessary then ask yourself and yourself alone, one question:"Does this path have a heart?"

My Interests

Reading, Writing, Travel, Wine, Fashion, Music, Cooking, The Spa...Sports (Boxing, Basketball, Track & Field, Soccer)I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I'd like to meet:

Mohammed Atiyeh, Che Guevera, Assata Shakur, Bell Hooks, John Carlos, Huey P. Newton, Sigmund Freud, Oprah...



Memoirs of a Geisha


Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Dancing with the Stars


Current Selection: Touch Choices, By Carly Fiorina


My Grandfather who is my angel, my best friend and the best earthly role model of unconditional love and loyalty.