In the sticky summer heat of 2007, Nate Mitchell and Laura Swindall decided that Athens, GA needed a new dance band, one built on a foundation of rhythm, a collaboration between two minds that think only in terms of AWESOME BEATS.
Tuesday nights were set aside for loose improvisations, Nate making the very recent transition from drums to bass guitar, Laura keeping her drumming chops up as her main band, Christopher's Liver, took a hiatus while Christopher ventured out to New Orleans.
The sound developed at an unhurried pace, elements gradually falling into place...minimalist space funk jams built on repetition of simple riffs, propelled by a steady pulse and spattered with Laura's idiosyncratic percussion flourishes.
***UPDATE*** The final pieces of the puzzle were provided by Mr. David Specht's otherworldly echo manipulations and the raw, throaty vocals/unstoppable stage presence of Melissa Colbert (a recent Chicago-to-Athens transplant).
Now, in the earliest part of 2008, the EXPANDED unit prepares to enter into the realm of live performance, although the ideal scenario is to seek out mad sonic scientists to provide special treatment to the raw materials of bass and drums.
These sounds lend themselves well to filter sweeps, EQ fiddling and delay boxes. The overall element of chance is heartily encouraged, striving to make each performance a unique experience.
We respectfully tip our hats to Lee "Scratch" Perry, King Tubby, Martin Hannett, Martin Swope, Dave Friedman and others who have produced ethereal wonder with their mixing desks.
Long-term goals include:
* incorporating LCD-projected video images triggered and manipulated in real-time by a live music feed.
* a self-released CD-R collection of dub treatments and live performances
* tour plans for Summer 2008
Everybody Everybody live at the 40 WattAdd to My Profile | More Videos Here we are performing at the 40 Watt in Athens, GA on 1-23-2008. Video projections by Whistling School For Boys!
Live @ Flicker Bar in Athens 3-29-08 (first show with Melissa singing)
Thank you for listening.