jana profile picture


i can't remember the last time my brain stopped working.

About Me

i like ice cubes cracking when you put them in a liquid.
the sound it makes when you drop the queen card in the game "hearts".
my cat licking my nose.
picking on people i don't know.
heavy bass lines in music that is classified as pop.
throwing his stuff out of my flat because it makes me feel powerful.
sleeping in new bed linen.
buying a new pack of cigarettes when i had sworn to quit smoking.
my occasional ability of being laid-back (still trying to improve it).
associating lyrics with current circumstances in my life.
unpretentiousness & restrained wisdom.

i dislike everything else.

My Interests

the saddest thing i've ever seen was venice on television at night.

I'd like to meet:

friends only.
no bands/actors/illustrators/wannabe artists/designers i haven't personally chosen.
unless you're willing to send a decent amount of avocados on a regular basis.


seachange. iliketrains. the smiths. bright eyes. blonde redhead. eagle*seagull. the audience. interpol. kashmir. the notwist. bodi bill. die sterne.


de gronne slagtere. psycho. la vita è bella.




sartre: «la nausée». houellebecq: «extension du domaine de la lutte». gavalda: «je voudrais que quelqu'un m'attende quelque part». yalom: «when nietzsche wept»


mama + mucki.

My Blog

an email i got today.

usually i don't read spam, but if it's not declared as such (as in "[SPAM] Penis enlargement for $10") i stumble across a few now and then. i got this one today, and i think it's awesome:Big bang baz...
Posted by jana on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:19:00 PST

ich fürchte, ich muss etwas kaputt machen.

leckt mich alle am arsch; geld alle, prüfung nicht bestanden, d.h. nachholen, schneeregen, kalte hände, ewig viel zu tun und abgesehen von ein paar tagen noch gar keine ferien gehabt. es kotzt mich al...
Posted by jana on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:44:00 PST

2 gründe zur freude.

1. prüfung, die ich schon für vermasselt hielt, bestanden. betonung liegt auf bestanden, noten spielen keine rolle.2. iLiKETRAiNS spielen beim diesjährigen immergut.ansonsten alles wie immer....
Posted by jana on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:21:00 PST

ich spalte deinen schädel mit einem brecheisen und esse was raus.

Ich weiß nicht, ob es wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen ist, aber ich selbst glaube fest daran, dass man an bestimmten Tageszeiten unterschiedlich auf gute oder schlechte Nachrichten reagiert. In einer Mi...
Posted by jana on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:49:00 PST

the saddest song in the shape of a morrissey.

oh mother, i can feel the soil falling over my headAnd as i climb into an empty bedoh well, enough saidi know it's over, still i clingi don't know where else i can gooh mother, i can feel the soil fal...
Posted by jana on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 02:49:00 PST

wenn ich auch mal was sagen darf...

... die pistazien von ültje sind die besten. ich habe mittlerweile verdammt viele sorten pistazien ausprobiert, aber die von ültje sind einfach, hauptsächlich aufgrund der tatsache, dass sie im prinzi...
Posted by jana on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 08:11:00 PST


uuuh ja, jahresrückblicke sind voll scheiße. aber zwinge ich jemanden, das zu lesen? eben.album des jahres"elegies to lessons learnt" von iLiKETRAiNS. das war vorhersehbar, weil ich diese band und die...
Posted by jana on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 04:43:00 PST

i am murdered.

seriously, this is one of the best songs ever....
Posted by jana on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:40:00 PST

to live or not to live.

-- that is the question.in about ten minutes i'll buy "our love to admire".in case you're stupid (which is very likely) -- this is the new interpol album.wish me luck.or rather, wish interpol luck.i h...
Posted by jana on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:59:00 PST

just another rant.

okay, so this is one of the rare evenings i get to sit in front of the internet and am not supposed to do weird uni or png stuff.so i thought i'd take the opportunity and post a new episode of my infa...
Posted by jana on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 02:39:00 PST