Keva I. Lee just wasn’t getting enough.After years of counseling and advocacy for sex workers in the complicated criminal system, she decided to become a sex worker herself. Why? Because of sheer frustration- she was unfulfilled by the system and by her sex life.Fed up with the situation, she decided to take matters into her own hands- not by passively rolling over and masturbating her troubles away- but by transforming herself into a ball-crushing, whip-yielding, nipple-torturing Dominatrix! She’s learned the ropes and acquired more than a few tricks
in her bag. She explodes and exploits stereotypes surrounding Asian women: dragon lady/ passive lotus flower, exoticism, fetishism, perpetual foreignness, language as a faux cultural barrier. She uses these stereotypes as an erotic tool for her own amusement and gain.Keva I. Lee is now getting enough- and loving every minute of it.
I am absolutely ecstatic to be a part of the Sex Workers Art Show! It will be an absolutely amazing night of performers, dance, song and smut all rolled into one! &... Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:09:00 GMT