About Me
I am very opened minded, it takes a lot to surprise or shock me, I want to try everything before I die so I have no regets, or maybe things to regret, I don't play by the rules and speak my mind to a fault, I like freinds that I know where I stand with them, I hate mind games.
Lu lu is short for Louise which means amazon or warrior women, I love Muscle cars and have done up an old VF Valaint Pacer, I love stafforshire's and am lucky enough to own one, were does the stage end? performance is life, I play gutar and write songs, not currantly in a band but have played in a few and written songs for other bands, when I go out on I have a crazy collection of clothes that I dress up in, generally starting the night looking great but by the end of the night I look a little worse for wear (well who doesn't unless you are prepared to take a puncture repair kit out and spend half the night in the girls room fixing your face) I love to laugh and to make others laugh, I don't take myself to seriously and love that quality an others, well me, me, me enough about me, what do you think of me? final note
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