I'm unafraid to ask, or answer, any question.
I sleep under an electric blanket with the windows open (it's 20 degrees outside).
I'm a huge believer in what Heraclitus said: "You never step in the same river twice;" Stasis is impossible - you're either moving forward or backward - if you think you're standing still, you're losing ground.
Life is too short for negative energy.
Hip Hop isn't dead, but it's dying. When a song about apple bottom jeans and the boots with the fur gets more airtime than the latest from Public Enemy, hip hop as a political force - as it was intended to be - is seeing its last days. I'll miss it when it's gone.
Some of my favorite people in the world are those with which I have nothing in common; we scream at each other about politics, religion, literature, current events, and sports. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
I hate disappointing my parents.
I love the British (I especially love the way they spell favourite, labour and defence).
I love my dog, Max. He's the only being on this planet who is ALWAYS happy to see me.
When I'm flipping through the channels, I stop it when I find wrestling. Don't know why. I just do.
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