Lenny profile picture


i need gopher chucks

About Me

If anyone feels like talking to me- LennyP55876 (AIM)
Name: Lenny Plaskocinski
Birthdate: 10/05/87
Birthplace: Rochester, NY
Current Location: Mt. Morris
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 170
Piercings: ear
Tatoos: 2 on the back of my legs
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: i love my girlfriend
Overused Phraze: sure
Food: mac & cheese
Candy: m&ms
Number: 3
Color: red
Animal: cat
Drink: mountain dew
Alcohol Drink: tequila
Bagel: ya
Letter: s
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcdonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: cat
Rap or Punk: country
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: depends on who im with
Love or Money: love
Bedtime: whenever
Most Missed Memory: i forgot
Best phyiscal feature: everything
First Thought Waking Up: not again
Goal for this year: get through college
Best Friends: justin, kyle, uncle bill
Weakness: girls
Fears: dying lonely
Heritage: polish
Longest relationship: a year
Ever Drank: yep
Ever Smoked: yep
Pot: yep
Ever been Drunk: yep
Ever been beaten up: hell no
Ever beaten someone up: hell yeah
Ever Shoplifted: yep
Ever Skinny Dipped: everyday
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yeah
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: blue
Favorite Hair Color: red
Short or Long: either
Height: not too short
Style: whatever works
Looks or Personality: personality
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: whatever works
Muscular or Really Skinny: umm neither jus normal
Number of Regrets in the Past: 1
What country do you want to Visit: all of them
How do you want to Die: in my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: ya
Do you like Thunderstorms: with someone i care about
Get along with your Parents: yeah
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: not really
Believe in Yourself: i dont believe so
Want to go to College: im goin to Alfred U.
Do you Smoke: ya
Do you Drink: occasionally
Shower Daily: yeah
Been in Love: i love my girlfriend
Do you Sing: yeah but u dont wanna hear it
Want to get Married: eventually
Do you want Children: eventually
Have your future kids names planned out: nope
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: .......
Hate anyone: hell yeah

My Interests

I love cars and racing and ive even developed a taste for two wheels... Motocross is sweet and i like to go to the track with justin on the weekends... other than that i just like spending time with those i care about.... I love you Mandy Jean

I'd like to meet:

Dale Earnhardt who is one of the greatest race car drivers ever. (unfortunately he passed away during the 2001 Daytona 500 ensuring that his other 2 cars took first and second place)


Ummmm yeah COUNTRY all the way.


I like just about any movie as long as it isnt a hardcore chick flick. the all time favorites are Caddyshack, Animal House, Kung-Pow, Napoleon Dynamite, and of course Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


I watch a lot of cartoons. Family Guy especially and Futurama. I also watch a lot of racing as well as CMT(screw MTV)


The wordless ones


Kyle Lombardo.... he is in Italy right now and he is really doing something with his life... which is more than i can say for a lot of people