â–¡sTeâ–¼-O profile picture


Why so blue PANDAbear??

About Me

I feel the flow through my MIND --> HEART --> SOUL *
LoRD oF The DaNCE !!
I love my friends probably more than most of them know//Most of the time, I take the dialectic approach in my life, for instance: I'm constantly try to excel in life, but I have to get away from it once in a while to be free//My family is irreplaceable as is yours//Partying is limited for me, it's just that I lose touch of that boundary occasionally//Working in a restaurant is just another social-event//Optimistic for the most part//A strong belief is that planning ahead LOOSELY is key importance//I don't hate drama w/a passion...I have no drama, so there's nothing to despise//Always down to experience new beaches//I try my best in being a good friend to all friends//I'm doing what I can to blow up my network in a controlled matter(oxymoron!)//My love for music, my interest in life's activities, my attraction to the opposite sex, and my reaction to the unexperienced:all ECLECTIC, you can borrow my word w/ permission//I'm Chamhaole, so I'm a boonie dog, but I'm the one you'd want to keep;)//I can hate if my mind is messed with//online interaction is slowly consuming all my free-time(spcl thx: myspace.com, amazon.com, hotmail.com, yahoo.com, guampdn.com)//I was raised by a woman, so I do what I can to understand and respect them//I can give without take, as long as I feel appreciated//I'm here to adapt to the world, the things I haven't seen are at my desired reach one day//Stayin' in school to IMPLODE MY BRAIN!!!!//I'm down to break rules once in a while simply because it's possible, but I stay true to my ethics//I'm dancing practically everyday, whether it's while walking, on a dancefloor, or in my head//Small decisions can consume me//Finding that perfectbalance in all aspects. EG: I can hold a grudge, but I'm balanced when I feel that forgiveness is the right move to make//I have kept, and will keep it island even after doom's day//If you read this, I hope you have learned a little about the surface of the animation that is derived of my personality:)

feel like sending some love my way?
msn messenger: stevenjplefever@hotmail xbox-live tagname: GUAMfever
Ifihad made my custom Myspace Contact Table

My Interests

VW ! Familialifetime friendshiptHe lauGHsthe niMitz bashesmaSSive waVes frUity peBBles are always good!my sLvrLeGal tEndenCiesILLegaL imPulses ha!GuahaN

Good GradeseArly mOrning Newswindow seatshentai!PoliTe cUstomersrOmantic sCenesFinding the perfect book/album350zpaThfindER ArmaDaCrossing borders coast CREW 2 00 7 xBox LIVE!Marathoning the "Friends" dvd'sFinal Fantasy 7Metal Gear Solid 1&3TEKKENStreet figHterrelaXing Mai Tais n ewC astleBEER eggnOgmy caR('02 Sentra SE-R)pineapple/pepperoni pizzaschicKen Kelaguen 1 S T Kisses
the "kinGs" card gamecaRne asaDassushi @ toDaiseNdless-slaB night @T.Romas Sauces:2m2mmediUm raRe Filet MiGnonsblendEd koNa coFFeeliVe stAnd-Up coMedyJoSe & JackassaM blacK teA & kingCarrOckYrOad icecream!muG rootBeerSeXy halloween cOstumesgrOup picTures..roQQ'n zori in any weatHerSanDeezy SanFranfriskyOH!VEGASTOWNmusic n' the things IT does to Uthe miX of colors in sunSetseeeeeeeeeeeeH!cOntradictionsAngelina, Claire, Kate, Shannyn & SalmaTravElingClos du BoIsChateau St.MichelleSweet OutfiTs... fo-eva reppin' da

ZOMiT nation . Light TrafficuNexpected phone-calLstHe female figurefuNNy proFessorsGrooVin' to Re gg ae /Hip-hoPwatching/being in improV showsleGendary j A p A nClearance sectionjaMaican fLag colorSoverloaded taXicAbsfAmily suPPort & vice verSabLacK rOsestrustworthy pOliticiansBbQs+BeacHes sPontaneous NigHtsinteresting converSationsCali's nO-smOking policy
I C E K e K i !! RollerCoaStersJaquzzi tImemind-boGGling dReamsSubTle/wiTTy huMorTimbaLand & LilJons BeatsExpanding My DVD colleCtionlYrics by:2pac & BiggiesOlO shOppingwatching lIghtningSurrealistic style paintingstHai tEaweightlifting
8-houR slEEpsmY poems aCoustic seSSionsaTTractions w/the oPPosite seXliVe enterTainment UCLA BruinssOutherN DolpHins Ch arge Rs & L a k e r s Broncossummer04pifa05-07the day after exam weekkNowing that theres so Much moRe 2sEE

I'd like to meet:

*If I had an office job...


. rokk'n .
. eaZy sKank'n
"Can I smell your gasoline? Can I pet your wolverine? On the day my bestfriend died I could not get my copper clean.


"The little things...there's nothing bigger is there?"
TomCruise (Vanilla Sky)


Plead the FiF!
Chappelle said it best, $RiCH$Biatch!


Tell No OneGone For GoodJust One LookNo Second Chance

The FaCE Life ExpectancyFrom the Corner of His EyeOdd ThomasForever OddHideaway Shadow Fires
Other books from assorted authors:
Morning, Noon & Night(Sheldon) Pop Goes the Weasel (Patterson) The Da Vinci Code (Brown) the curious incident of the dog in the night-time (Haddon) FiGHT Club (Palahniuk) Memoirs of a Geisha (Golden) Scar TiSSUE (Kiedis) Slaughterhouse5 (Vonnegut Jr.) Congo (Crichton)The Alchemist (Coelho) A Clockwork ORaNGE (Burgess)
Currently reading:
Door to December (Koontz)


My lovely family.

My Blog

Ode to my family.

*Just a poem I wrote with my family in mind and heart.  Feedback is appreciated, enjoi.   The essence of life showing no face, So I search everything but the right place, Questions consume m...
Posted by ¡sTe¼-O on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 10:08:00 PST


1.  Ok, one person has to recommend, "bro", or "guys", "Let's take a shot!"  Whatever way you do it, the person initiating pours it for everyone else, then for him or her like so--> 2.&nbs...
Posted by ¡sTe¼-O on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 09:29:00 PST