Created in '99 by Marty, his brother and a friend, ProXess, then called Stormriders (ahahah... hmm) played a not-very-evoluted Heavy metal influenced by bands such as iced Earth, Cradle of Filth or Death and released a demo, "Travel in Hell" in '00.ThoM joined the band in November '01 as lead vocals and rythm guitarist. The four guys toured a bit and at the end of the recording of the second demo, in September '03, their drummer decided to quit.The band changes his name into Process and the 5-track demo "Hieroglyph" is released in May '04. A few weeks after, Janus joins the band as drummer. Many shows are given, and the name changes (again !) from Process to ProXess.In June '05, our bassist decides to leave after the recording of the second demo.We find our new bass player, Poita (former member of Aporia), and we release our new cd, a 6-track EP called "Worst Side Stories".We're looking for tour dates,See you,ProXess